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Microsoft Graph SDK for PowerShell - Get Api Permissions and App Roles of Service Principals

I'm trying to retrieve the API Permissions assigned to a Service Principle using Microsoft Graph SDK for PowerShell. I tried using the below command

Get-MgServicePrincipalOAuth2PermissionGrant -ServicePrincipalId <Id>

However, it doesn't provide all the API Permissions. Could someone help on this?

Thanks, Praveen


  • Granted API permissions to Service principal like below:

    enter image description here

    I agree with @user2250152, to get delegated permissions make use of below command:

    -ServicePrincipalId <Id>

    enter image description here

    To get Application permissions, make use of below command:

    -ServicePrincipalId <Id>

    enter image description here


    To get the application permission claim, use the below script:

    Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "Application.Read.All"
    $Apps = Get-MgApplication | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName -eq "RukApp" }
    $ServicePrincipals = Get-MgServicePrincipal -All
    $RolesList = @()
    foreach ($sp in $ServicePrincipals) {
        $RolesList += $sp.AppRoles
    $Data = @()
    foreach ($App in $Apps) {
        foreach ($Access in $App.RequiredResourceAccess) {
            foreach ($Permission in $Access.ResourceAccess) {
                $PermissionName = $null
                if ($Permission.Type -eq 'Role') {
                    $PermissionName = ($RolesList | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq $Permission.Id }).Value
                if ($PermissionName) {
                    $Data += [PSCustomObject]@{
                        'Application Display Name' = $App.DisplayName
                        'Permission Type'          = $Permission.Type
                        'Permission Value'         = $PermissionName
    $Data | Format-Table -AutoSize

    enter image description here

    To check the application API permission name, refer the below

    c# - Microsoft Graph API - Get users with specified app roles - Stack Overflow