Even after updating the keys still getting the following error:
remote: Command git-upload-pack: You’re using ssh-rsa that is about to be deprecated and your request has been blocked intentionally. Any SSH session using SSH-RSA is subject to brown out (failure during random time periods). Please use rsa-sha2-256 or rsa-sha2-512 instead. For more details see https://aka.ms/ado-ssh-rsa-deprecation.
System details:
generated new keys using:
ssh-keygen -t rsa-sha2-512
the keys just refuse to work.
According to this Q&A, you may have previously modified your SSH config to downgrade your security settings for Azure DevOps by adding the following to your ~/.ssh/config
Host ssh.dev.azure.com vs-ssh.visualstudio.com
HostkeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa
Please remove these lines now and make sure rsa-sha2-256
and/or rsa-sha2-512
are allowed.