To briefly summarize the problem I have, it is that the index does not work properly in queries, which is just a difference in the database.
I am currently using two databases. For convenience, we will call them database1 and database2.
There are also tables such as member table (TB_MBR_INFO) and chat table (TB_CHAR_ROOM).
The TB_CHAT_ROOM table contains seller and buyer member IDs.
I want to get the membership number of this member ID.
So the query I created is as follows.
A.regdate AS REG_DT,
(select MBR_NO from database2.TB_MBR_INFO USE INDEX (TB_MBR_INFO_MBR_ID_IDX) where MBR_ID = A.seller) AS SELL_MBR_NO,
(select MBR_NO from database2.TB_MBR_INFO USE INDEX (TB_MBR_INFO_MBR_ID_IDX) where MBR_ID = A.buyer) AS PRCH_MBR_NO
However, if you look at the execution plan of the query, possible_keys does not exist, so the member table is being fully scanned.
id|select_type |table |type |possible_keys|key |key_len|ref|rows |Extra |
1|PRIMARY |A |ALL | | | | |474031| |
4|DEPENDENT SUBQUERY|TB_MBR_INFO|index| |TB_MBR_INFO_MBR_ID_IDX|62 | |422098|Using where; Using index|
3|DEPENDENT SUBQUERY|TB_MBR_INFO|index| |TB_MBR_INFO_MBR_ID_IDX|62 | |422098|Using where; Using index|
For testing, I copied the chat table and moved it to database2, and the index was applied normally.
A.regdate AS REG_DT,
(select MBR_NO from database2.TB_MBR_INFO USE INDEX (TB_MBR_INFO_MBR_ID_IDX) where MBR_ID = A.seller) AS SELL_MBR_NO,
(select MBR_NO from database2.TB_MBR_INFO USE INDEX (TB_MBR_INFO_MBR_ID_IDX) where MBR_ID = A.buyer) AS PRCH_MBR_NO
id|select_type |table |type|possible_keys |key |key_len|ref |rows |Extra |
1|PRIMARY |A |ALL | | | | |62721| |
4|DEPENDENT SUBQUERY|TB_MBR_INFO|ref |TB_MBR_INFO_MBR_ID_IDX|TB_MBR_INFO_MBR_ID_IDX|62 |database2.A.buyer |1 |Using where; Using index|
3|DEPENDENT SUBQUERY|TB_MBR_INFO|ref |TB_MBR_INFO_MBR_ID_IDX|TB_MBR_INFO_MBR_ID_IDX|62 |database2.A.seller|1 |Using where; Using index|
The only difference between the two is the database. Columns and indexes are all the same.
I moved everything to database 1 and tested it, just in case, but the problem of the index not working still persists.
I really want to solve the problem. If you know the cause, don’t pass it by.
Please provide SHOW CREATE TABLE
for each table in each db involved.
I'll go out on a limb and say that there is an inconsistency in the dataypes or collations.
will help spot it.