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Android TV app rejected with reason "No full-size app banner and/or icon"

I know this is not a programming related question but we are getting a bit frustrated trying to update a pre existing TV app on Google Play.

Google reviewed the app and rejected it, although it was just an update to an already approved TV App, with no changes to Images/banners etc. This is the first time it happened. The reason given by google was

"Issue found: No full-size app banner and/or icon Your app should contain a full-size app banner and icon that is visible in the launcher. We are targeting 1080P, which we consider xhdpi. Apps should include the banner in the xhdpi (320 dpi) drawables folder with a size of (320px × 180px) and the icon with a size of (512px x512px). Please refer to our Home screen banner.

The title should help users identify apps in the launcher. Please refer to our Visual design and user interaction documentation for more information.

Your icon does not fill the entire icon space."

We checked that the icons and banners had no transparency, that the banner had the app name on it etc...

We re-created all icons and TV banners using Android Studio's Image asset Wizards, to make sure we comply with the guidelines. We submitted the app again but got rejected with the same reason.

Has anybody had the same issue lately (April 2024)?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance


As mentioned by "Optimizer" the problem was with circle icon filter that is applied by Google. It was cropping the edges of the icons that's why it was rejected.

To avoid that, I have been using the image asset studio to generate adaptive and legacy launcher Icons. This way I can make sure that the circular icons are not cropped. The icons generated always have a background colour, because transparency is not approved.

As for the TV banners, just as Darryl E. Clarke mentioned, you need to create them as per spec, 320px × 180px in the xhdpi folder. The adaptive banners don't work properly and that is another cause of rejection


  • We got the same rejection and even if the guidelines say minimum 160x160, Google's message says 512x512 (which we actually think is the store listing app icon size).

    However, the problem is that the icon gets cut off by Google's circle filter.

    To solve that, we made the icon size bigger without increasing the size of the image in it. And by temporarily drawing a full circle on top of the icon, we could see where the limits were. And then the icon was approved by Google. Make sure that the background is not transparent because then it will not be approved.

    But that made the icon look very small on phones. So the the original icon can be kept in the drawable-xhdpi folder and the 512x512 sized rounding safe icon can be placed in the drawable-television-xhdpi folder, so there will be a specific icon for televisions and the original icon for all other form factors.