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403 error when trying to get share stats from LinkedIn Organization Share Statistics API

When trying to get data on shares from the LinkedIn Organization Share Statistics API{organization URN}&shares=List({comma-separated share URNs})

I get the following error:

    "message": "Viewer has insufficient permissions to view statistics of organization {organization URN}",
    "status": 403

However, UGC posts work fine:{organization URN}&ugcPosts=List({comma-separated UGC post URNs})

And getting stats for the whole organization (providing neither shares nor UGC posts in the API request) works as well.

Acccording to the API documentation, the permission rw_organization_admin and a member who is an administrator is required.

So, I created an access token with my account who is an admin of the organization and permissions including rw_organization_admin.

Therefore, I expected to get statistics for all kinds of posts but for some reason, only UGC posts are working but not shares.

How do I get share data? Are there specific permissions required for seeing share data as opposed to UGC post data?


  • I found out that I wasn’t admin of the organization after all, only of the corresponding developer app. After I had been added as a super admin to the company page itself, the 403 errors disappeared.