Migrating from Nest to Elasticsearch V8
Before (using Nest) I had
var settings = new ConnectionSettings(new Uri(elasticSettings.Uri));
.DefaultMappingFor<CorrelationContext>(ms => ms.Ignore(p => p.DgpHeader));
Changed ConnectionSettings
to ElasticsearchClientSettings
but the Ignore-option on DefaultMappingFor
isn't available anymore.
I only find documentation regarding this for v7 but not for v8
Is it moved to somewhere else? And if not, how can we achieve the same result?
After looking further in the documentation I came across the page regarding serialization.
However, I do not have access to the class-code to add the JsonIgnore
attribute (class is in other library).
Couldn't find way to do it through settings so ended up creating a new POCO with the exact same name and properties as the original class (obviously without the one property I want to ignore).