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Ignore property with ElasticsearchClientSettings.DefaultMappingFor<>

Migrating from Nest to Elasticsearch V8

Before (using Nest) I had

var settings = new ConnectionSettings(new Uri(elasticSettings.Uri));
    .DefaultMappingFor<CorrelationContext>(ms => ms.Ignore(p => p.DgpHeader));

Changed ConnectionSettings to ElasticsearchClientSettings but the Ignore-option on DefaultMappingFor isn't available anymore. I only find documentation regarding this for v7 but not for v8

Is it moved to somewhere else? And if not, how can we achieve the same result?

Update: After looking further in the documentation I came across the page regarding serialization. However, I do not have access to the class-code to add the JsonIgnore attribute (class is in other library).


  • Couldn't find way to do it through settings so ended up creating a new POCO with the exact same name and properties as the original class (obviously without the one property I want to ignore).