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Find next value in list of objects

I have a table, let's call it quotation_lines, like this:

Quote No Product Date Effective Price
Q1 ABC 1-Jan-20 10.00
Q1 ABC 1-Mar-20 15.00
Q1 ABC 1-Dec-20 20.00
Q1 ABC 1-Mar-21 10.00
Q2 ABC 1-Feb-22 13.5

And I want to create an object like:

public class QuoteLine{
    public string QuoteNo {get;set;}
    public string Product {get;set;}
    public DateOnly DateEffective {get;set;}
    public decimal Price {get;set;}
    public DateOnly NextDate {get;set;}
    public decimal NextPrice {get;set;}

The question is, how do I get the next row of data to populate my object? So for example, when I am considering the first row of data, my object would end up as

    "QuoteNo": "Q1",
    "Product": "ABC",
    "DateEffective": "1-Jan-20",
    "Price": 10,
    "NextDate": "1-Mar-20",
    "NextPrice": 15

And for the second row it would be

    "QuoteNo": "Q1",
    "Product": "ABC",
    "DateEffective": "1-Mar-20",
    "Price": 15,
    "NextDate": "1-Dec-20",
    "NextPrice": 20

And so on.

For the avoidance of doubt, this will be grouped by the quote number and the product.

If it's easier to do it by creating a view on the db, that's fine, but I have been struggling with that for about 4 hours now, and I can't work that out either.

Any assistance greatly appreciated.


  • The question is unclear. This appears to be a LEAD / LAG problem, which EF Core 8 cannot solve easily to my knowledge. There is another ORM project linq2db which can be used to fill in areas where EF is weak. Alternatively you can just write a raw SQL query / view and use EF to perform the mapping.

    The linq2db query which appears to solve your request. Note: linq2db can be used without EF Core as a standalone ORM. It has scaffolding and a host of other features listed on their GitHub readme.

        .Select(q => new
            NextDate = Sql.Ext.Lead(q.DateEffective)
            NextPrice = Sql.Ext.Lead(q.Price)
    // SELECT
    //     [q].[QuoteNo],
    //     [q].[Product],
    //     [q].[DateEffective],
    //     [q].[Price],
    //     LEAD([q].[DateEffective]) OVER(PARTITION BY [q].[QuoteNo] ORDER BY [q].[DateEffective]),
    //     LEAD([q].[Price]) OVER(PARTITION BY [q].[QuoteNo] ORDER BY [q].[DateEffective])
    // FROM
    //     [quotation_lines] [q]

    Below is the full program source showing the minimal configuration and setup required to reuse your EF Core model in linq2db.

    using System;
    using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
    using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text.Json;
    using LinqToDB;
    using LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore;
    using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
    // linq2db Nuget Packages added (License: MIT)
    // <PackageReference Include="linq2db" Version="5.4.1" />
    // <PackageReference Include="linq2db.EntityFrameworkCore" Version="8.1.0" />
    public class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // So you can see the SQL generated by linq2db
            LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection.WriteTraceLine = (message, _, _) => Console.WriteLine(message);
            using (var context = new SalesContext())
            using (var connection = context.CreateLinqToDBConnection())
                var output = connection
                    .Select(q => new
                        NextDate = Sql.Ext.Lead(q.DateEffective)
                        NextPrice = Sql.Ext.Lead(q.Price)
                Console.WriteLine(JsonSerializer.Serialize(output, new JsonSerializerOptions { WriteIndented = true }));
    public class SalesContext : DbContext
        public DbSet<QuoteLine> QuoteLines { get; set; }
        protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
            => optionsBuilder.UseSqlServer(@"Server=(localdb)\mssqllocaldb;Database=Sales;Trusted_Connection=True");
        protected override void ConfigureConventions(ModelConfigurationBuilder configurationBuilder)
            => configurationBuilder.Properties<decimal>().HavePrecision(18, 2);
    public class QuoteLine
        public long Id { get; set; } // EF Needs a PrimaryKey, so I added this
        [MaxLength(100)] public string QuoteNo { get; set; }
        [MaxLength(100)] public string Product { get; set; }
        public DateOnly DateEffective { get; set; }
        public decimal Price { get; set; }