I'm making a peoplefinder app that will be free. It will look through all the people in Texas by name, and find their home address. I just got started, and can't seem to figure out how cycling through all the pages would work. Is there a good, reliable way to do this? Am I just dumb? This is my first big project, and I could really use some help.
import json
from time import sleep
name = input("Enter full name: ")
def namesearchwilcounty(name):
url = "https://search.wcad.org/ProxyT/Search/Properties/quick/"
params = {
"f": name,
"pn": 1,
"st": 4,
"so": "desc",
"pt": "RP;PP;MH;NR",
"ty": "2024"
response = requests.get(url, params=params)
if response.status_code == 200:
data = response.json()
if data and "ResultList" in data and data["ResultList"]:
print("Situs Addresses and Owner Names:")
processed_results = set() # Set to store processed results
for item in data["ResultList"]:
situs_address = item["SitusAddress"]
owner_name = item["OwnerName"]
total_page_count = item.get("TotalPageCount", 1)
current_page = 1
while current_page <= total_page_count:
params["pn"] = current_page # Update the page number in params
response = requests.get(url, params=params)
if response.status_code == 200:
page_data = response.json()
for item in page_data["ResultList"]:
situs_address = item["SitusAddress"]
owner_name = item["OwnerName"]
result = f"{owner_name} {situs_address}"
if result not in processed_results:
print(f"Page {current_page}: {result}")
processed_results.add(result) # Add result to the set
current_page += 1
sleep(1) # Add a delay between requests
print(f"Error: {response.status_code} - {response.text}")
print("No data found in the response.")
print(f"Error: {response.status_code} - {response.text}")
It seems that the pn parameters is a page number (base 1) and that no more pages are available when the RecordCount is zero.
So, simplifying your code, you could do this:
import requests
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter, Retry
URL = "https://search.wcad.org/ProxyT/Search/Properties/quick/"
RETRIES = Retry(total=MAX_RETRIES, status_forcelist=[429])
def search(name):
params = {
"f": name,
"pn": 1,
"st": 4,
"so": "desc",
"pt": "RP;PP;MH;NR",
"ty": "2024"
with requests.Session() as session:
session.mount(URL, HTTPAdapter(max_retries=RETRIES))
while True:
with session.get(URL, params=params) as response:
data = response.json()
if (record_count := data.get("RecordCount", 0)) == 0:
print("No more records")
print(f"current_page={params["pn"]} {record_count=}")
params["pn"] += 1
current_page=1 record_count=25
current_page=2 record_count=25
current_page=3 record_count=25
current_page=4 record_count=25
current_page=5 record_count=25
current_page=6 record_count=25
current_page=7 record_count=9
No more records