Edit The syntax error fix provided by willeM_ Van Onsem fixed the addition of characters to the path of the image. Now they are just normal 404 errors :).
And with those fixed, python returns more 404 errors so I see that there is nothing unique about the daterangepicker
I'm integrating a theme into my project. Some of the static files are found, but I get two types 404 errors. I'd appreciate any help.
The first type (all images):
For the line
<img class="rounded-circle" src="{% static 'sleek-bootstrap/source/assets/img/user/u6.jpg" alt="Image' %}">
I get the error
"GET /static/sleek-bootstrap/source/assets/img/user/u6.jpg%22%20alt%3D%22Image 404 1958
The file /static/sleek-bootstrap/source/assets/img/user/u6.jpg
does exist, but somehow Django adds %22%20alt%3D%22Image
to the name, so of course it can't find it. It does this for all the image files in the template
The second type (one folder):
for the line
<script src="{% static 'sleek-bootstrap/source/assets/plugins/daterangepicker/moment.min.js' %}"> ></script>
I get the error "GET /static/sleek-bootstrap/source/assets/plugins/daterangepicker/moment.min.js HTTP/1.1" HTTP/1.1" 404 1958
Django finds all the files in the path /static/sleek-bootstrap/source/assets/plugins/
, except those in the daterangepicker
plugin folder.
You closed to template tag too late:
<img class="rounded-circle" src="{% static 'sleek-bootstrap/source/assets/img/user/u6.jpg" %} alt="Image">
By using {% static 'some-img" alt="text' %}"', you included the
alt=` attribute in the name of the file, and this then returns a 404.