test75 <- data.frame(matrix(sample(0:1, 75 * 6, replace = TRUE), ncol = 75))
names(test75) <- paste0("Q", 1:75)
#I tried in vain earlier but I found a solution which I have posted below for the same data set.
# Sample dataset with a data frame with 75 variables (test 75)
test75 <- data.frame(matrix(sample(0:1, 75 * 6, replace = TRUE), ncol = 75))
names(test75) <- paste0("Q", 1:75)
# 1. Define the transformation function
apply_transformations <- function(df, start) {
if (start + 5 <= ncol(df)) { # Ensure there is group of 6 to process
vars_in_group <- names(df)[start:(start+5)]
combined_name <- paste0("Q", start, "Combined")
df <- df %>%
mutate(!!combined_name := case_when(
!!sym(vars_in_group[1]) == 1 ~ 5,
!!sym(vars_in_group[2]) == 1 ~ 4,
!!sym(vars_in_group[3]) == 1 ~ 3,
!!sym(vars_in_group[4]) == 1 ~ 2,
!!sym(vars_in_group[5]) == 1 ~ 1,
!!sym(vars_in_group[6]) == 1 ~ 99,
TRUE ~ 0
# 2. Calculate appropriate indices to start each group
indices <- seq(1, ncol(test75) - 6, by = 8)
# 3. Apply the function to each group starting index
for (index in indices) {
test75 <- apply_transformations(test75, index)
# Print the resulting data frame to see some of the combined variables