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Draw a new Profile from an Existing Profile In AutoCAD Using VBA

I am using AutoCad 2021 and I want to create a new profile from an existing profile, starting 25 cm below the existing profile, continuing with 1% slope until it intersects the existing profile, then dropping vertically 25 cm and continuing with 1% slope until it intersects the existing profile, then repeating until the end of the existing profile.

I have the below VBA code which continually gives me the error on line "newProfile.AddVertex" as wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment. I would highly appreciate any suggestion to review my code to make it work.

Sketch of Automatization I am trying in VBA

Sketch of Automatization I am trying in VBA

Sub CreateNewProfile()
    Dim obj As AcadObject
    Dim existingProfile As AcadLWPolyline
    Dim newProfile As AcadLWPolyline
    Dim startPoint As Variant, endPoint As Variant
    Dim elevationChange As Double
    Dim slope As Double
    ' Set the elevation change and slope
    elevationChange = 25 ' in cm
    slope = 0.01 ' 1% slope
    ' Select the existing profile
    Set existingProfile = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetObject(, "Select existing profile:")
    ' Create a new profile
    Set newProfile = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLightWeightPolyline(existingProfile.Coordinates)
    ' Loop through each segment of the existing profile
    For i = 1 To existingProfile.NumberOfVertices - 1
        startPoint = existingProfile.Coordinates(i)
        endPoint = existingProfile.Coordinates(i + 1)
        ' Calculate the length and direction of the segment
        length = Sqr((endPoint(0) - startPoint(0)) ^ 2 + (endPoint(1) - startPoint(1)) ^ 2)
        angle = Atn((endPoint(1) - startPoint(1)) / (endPoint(0) - startPoint(0)))
        ' Create the new segments with the specified elevation change and slope
        newProfile.AddVertex startPoint(0), startPoint(1), startPoint(2) - elevationChange
        ' Calculate the endpoint of the first slope segment
        newX = startPoint(0) + (elevationChange / slope) * Cos(angle)
        newY = startPoint(1) + (elevationChange / slope) * Sin(angle)
        newProfile.AddVertex newX, newY, startPoint(2) - elevationChange
        ' Add the next vertex on the existing profile
        newProfile.AddVertex endPoint(0), endPoint(1), endPoint(2) - elevationChange
        ' Continue until the end of the existing profile
        If i < existingProfile.NumberOfVertices - 1 Then
            ' Calculate the endpoint of the vertical drop
            newX = endPoint(0) + elevationChange * Cos(angle)
            newY = endPoint(1) + elevationChange * Sin(angle)
            newProfile.AddVertex newX, newY, endPoint(2)
        End If
    Next i
    ' Close the new profile
    newProfile.Closed = True
    MsgBox "New profile created successfully!"
End Sub


  • Your code doesn't seem to match your wording, which I take as giving the right info

    First off the "wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment" error is due to your not matching the AddVertex() method "signature" which requires a "Long" and then a "three-element array of doubles" parameter

    enter image description here

    Then you should review the actual result of Coordinates property for a LightWeight Polyline object which returns "an array of 2D points"

    I hope the following can give you a good starting point

    Option Explicit
    Sub CreateNewProfile()
        On Error GoTo SafeExit
        ' Set the elevation change and slope
        Dim elevationChange As Double
            elevationChange = 25 ' in cm
        Dim slope As Double
            slope = 0.01 ' 1% slope
        ' Select the existing profile
        Dim existingProfile As AcadLWPolyline
            Dim basePnt As Variant
            ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity existingProfile, basePnt, "Select existing profile:"
        Dim nVertices As Long
            nVertices = 1 '(UBound(existingProfile.Coordinates) + 1) / 2
        ' Create a new profile
        Dim newProfile As AcadLWPolyline
            Set newProfile = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLightWeightPolyline(existingProfile.Coordinates)
            'set the starting point coordinates
            Dim x As Double, _
                y As Double
                x = existingProfile.Coordinates(0)
                y = existingProfile.Coordinates(1)
            Dim iVertex As Long
                iVertex = nVertices - 1
            'add the the starting point vertex
            Dim newVertex(0 To 1) As Double
                newVertex(0) = x: newVertex(1) = y
                iVertex = iVertex + 1
                newProfile.AddVertex iVertex, newVertex
            'update the new starting point coordinates
            y = y - elevationChange
            'add the new starting point as a new vertex
            newVertex(1) = y
            iVertex = iVertex + 1
            newProfile.AddVertex iVertex, newVertex
                Dim okLoop As Boolean
                        ' Create a temporary helper line to intersect with the existing polyline
                        Dim startPt(0 To 2) As Double
                        Dim endPt(0 To 2) As Double
                            startPt(0) = x: startPt(1) = y: startPt(2) = 0
                            endPt(0) = x + 10: endPt(1) = y + slope * 10: endPt(2) = 0
                        Dim lineObj As AcadLine
                            Set lineObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(startPt, endPt)
                        ' Find the intersection points between the line and the circle
                        Dim intPoints As Variant
                            intPoints = lineObj.IntersectWith(existingProfile, acExtendThisEntity)
                        ' look for any valid intersections
                        Select Case True
                            Case VarType(intPoints) = vbEmpty
                                Exit Do
                            Case UBound(intPoints) = -1
                                Exit Do
                            Case Else ' there is a valid intersection
                                ' add the intersection as the new vertex
                                newVertex(0) = intPoints(0): newVertex(1) = intPoints(1)
                                iVertex = iVertex + 1
                                newProfile.AddVertex iVertex, newVertex
                                'delete the temporary helper line
                                'update the new starting point coordinates
                                x = newVertex(0)
                                y = newVertex(1) - elevationChange
                                ' add the new starting point as a new vertex
                                newVertex(1) = y
                                iVertex = iVertex + 1
                                newProfile.AddVertex iVertex, newVertex
                        End Select
                    Loop While True
        newProfile.Closed = False
        If Err.Number <> 0 Then
            MsgBox Err.Description
            MsgBox "New profile created successfully!"
        End If
    End Sub