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self_function can't work-- Can't subset columns past the end

There is dataframe raw_df as below:


detail <- data.frame(cat = c("a","a","a","b","b","b","b","c","c"),
                     single_amount = c(1,3,7,2,1,4,6,1,6))
total <- data.frame(cat = c("a","b","c"),
                    total_amount = c(20,10,9))
raw_df <- detail %>% left_join(total, by = 'cat')

I defined self function allocate_data_m to allocate total_amount when cumsum(single_data) is less then total_amount

allocate_data_m <- function(data, single_data, total_data) {
  out <- cumsum_single_data <- rep('NA', nrow(data))
  for (grouprow in seq_len(nrow(data))) {
    cumsum_single_data[grouprow] <- 
      if_else(grouprow == 1, data[grouprow, single_data],
              cumsum_single_data[grouprow-1] + data[grouprow, single_data])
    out[grouprow] <- if_else(cumsum_single_data[grouprow] < data[grouprow, total_data], data[grouprow, single_data], 0)

when run the allocate_data_m in mutate, the error occur. Anyone can help ? Thanks!

raw_df %>%
  group_by(cat) %>%
  mutate(amount_x_all = allocate_data_m(cur_data(), single_amount, total_amount))

The wished result as below , I am just wondering how the function allocate_data_m can't work.

raw_df %>%
  group_by(cat) %>%
  mutate(amount_x_all = if_else(cumsum(single_amount) < total_amount, single_amount, 0))


  • A minimal revision to your function:

    1. Replace "NA" with NA. The former is literal character string, and the latter refers to the missing value in R.
    2. Replace the first ifelse() with if (...) {...} else {...}. Otherwise, cumsum_single_data[grouprow-1] will throws an error when grouprow is 1.
    3. Move the second ifelse() outside the for-loop, because it can be vectorizedly evaluated.
    allocate_data_m <- function(single_data, total_data) {
      cumsum_single_data <- rep(NA, length(single_data))
      for (grouprow in seq_len(length(single_data))) {
        cumsum_single_data[grouprow] <- if(grouprow == 1) {
        } else {
          cumsum_single_data[grouprow-1] + single_data[grouprow] 
      out <- ifelse(cumsum_single_data < total_data, single_data, 0)
    raw_df %>%
      group_by(cat) %>%
      mutate(amount_x_all = allocate_data_m(single_amount, total_amount)) %>%
    # # A tibble: 9 × 4
    #   cat   single_amount total_amount amount_x_all
    #   <chr>         <dbl>        <dbl>        <dbl>
    # 1 a                 1           20            1
    # 2 a                 3           20            3
    # 3 a                 7           20            7
    # 4 b                 2           10            2
    # 5 b                 1           10            1
    # 6 b                 4           10            4
    # 7 b                 6           10            0
    # 8 c                 1            9            1
    # 9 c                 6            9            6

    Version 2

    Use column names instead of column vectors. In this case, you must use column names with double quotes when you call allocate_data_m() inside mutate().

    allocate_data_m <- function(data, single_data, total_data) {
      if(is(data, "tbl")) data <-
      cumsum_single_data <- rep(NA, nrow(data))
      for (grouprow in seq_len(nrow(data))) {
        cumsum_single_data[grouprow] <- if(grouprow == 1) {
          data[grouprow, single_data]
        } else {
          cumsum_single_data[grouprow-1] + data[grouprow, single_data]   
      out <- ifelse(cumsum_single_data < data[, total_data], data[, single_data], 0)
    raw_df %>%
      group_by(cat) %>%
      mutate(amount_x_all = allocate_data_m(cur_data(), "single_amount", "total_amount")) %>%