Sample code:
CString strCompactedPath = L"C:\\Users\\ajtru\\AppData\\Roaming\\Meeting Schedule Assistant\\Workbook-S-140-PublicTalk-WatchtowerStudy-ServiceTalk-Videoconference.xsl";
PathCompactPath(nullptr, strCompactedPath.GetBuffer(_MAX_PATH), 300);
The result:
This is not what I want! I want some of the path stripped and the start / end kept.
I am compiling with C++20, so if there is another way?
I think it is because the file name itself is so long:
So 300 or even 500 hundred pixels isn't going to cut it.
My goal?
If the full path will not fit on the title bar then compact with ellipses. I see that 300 or 500 are insufficient.
This is the solution I have come up with which seems to work:
tbi.cbSize = sizeof(TITLEBARINFO);
if (GetTitleBarInfo(&tbi))
const int buttonWidth = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSIZE);
const int availableWidth = tbi.rcTitleBar.right - tbi.rcTitleBar.left - (3 * buttonWidth);
// Limit the length of the file name by using ellipses ...
CString strCompactedPath = m_openFilePath;
PathCompactPath(nullptr, strCompactedPath.GetBuffer(_MAX_PATH), availableWidth);
The documentation for TITLEBARINFO
structure states:
The coordinates of the title bar. These coordinates include all title-bar elements except the window menu.
So I use the value of GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSIZE)
multiplied by 3 to account for: