TextStyle(fontSize: 16)
Is there a way to set fontSize bigger than normal instead of hard-coded size? For web:
font-size: larger
You can use default text sizes of the Theme:
Text('Hi There', style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.titleLarge)
There are different textTheme
Text Styles like:
TextStyle? displayLarge,
TextStyle? displayMedium,
TextStyle? displaySmall,
TextStyle? headlineLarge,
TextStyle? headlineMedium,
TextStyle? headlineSmall,
TextStyle? titleLarge,
TextStyle? titleMedium,
TextStyle? titleSmall,
TextStyle? bodyLarge,
TextStyle? bodyMedium,
TextStyle? bodySmall,
TextStyle? labelLarge,
TextStyle? labelMedium,
TextStyle? labelSmall,
Each of the above Text Style
has a different font size
If textTheme
is not applied in your ThemeData
, defaults will be applied.
Hope it helps you.