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Nested Custom Unmarshalling

I need to implement a custom unmarshal logic (to VerifyingKey field) depending on a variable in a field value in upper levels (Type field). I can exemplify the situation as below (originating from Unmarshal remaining JSON after performing custom unmarshalling)

type SingleKey struct {
  Type          string          `json:"type"`
  Others OtherFields   `json:"wrapped_fields"`

type OtherFields struct {
  FQDN         string          `json:"fqdn"`
  Address      string          `json:"address"`
  Nonce        int64           `json:"nonce"`
  Challenge    []byte          `json:"challenge"`
  NetworkID    string          `json:"network_id"`
  VerifyingKey []PublicKey     `json:"verifying_key"`
  Signature    []byte          `json:"signature"`

// Interface for Public Key
type PublicKey interface {
  // Methods specific to public key functionality

// Example concrete implementations (replace with your actual types)
type RsaPublicKey struct {
  // ... (fields specific to RSA public key)

type EcdsaPublicKey struct {
  // ... (fields specific to ECDSA public key)

I have tried many alternatives however, I could not reach to a solution.


  • Implement a custom unmarshaler for SingleKey:

    type singleKeyMarshal struct {
      Type          string          `json:"type"`
      Others      otherFieldsMarshal `json:"wrapped_fields"`
    type otherFieldsMarshal struct {
      FQDN         string          `json:"fqdn"`
      Address      string          `json:"address"`
      Nonce        int64           `json:"nonce"`
      Challenge    []byte          `json:"challenge"`
      NetworkID    string          `json:"network_id"`
      VerifyingKey []json.RawMessage     `json:"verifying_key"`
      Signature    []byte          `json:"signature"`
    func (s *SingleKey) UnmarshalJSON(in []byte) error {
      var sm singleKeyMarshal
      if  err:=json.Unmarshal(in,&sm); err!=nil {
        return err
      // Copy all fields from sm to s
      switch sm.Type {
         // Deal with unmarshaling the public keys
         case "RSA": 
           // This depends on how it is marshaled. If it is rsa.PublicKey:
           if err:=json.Unmarshal(sm.Others.VerifyingKey,&key); err!=nil {
               return err