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How can I prevent customers from canceling their monthly subscriptions on Stripe until three months have passed?

I am implementing a subscription service using Stripe, and I want to enforce a policy where customers cannot cancel their monthly subscriptions until at least three months have passed since the subscription start date. How can I achieve this using Stripe API or any other available methods ? I want to ensure that customers adhere to this policy to reduce churn and maximize revenue. Any insights or code examples would be greatly appreciated.

i am creating a portal session in node js

  const session = await stripe.billingPortal.sessions.create({
      customer: customer.stripeCustomerId,
      return_url: '',

I have created a customer poral session now i want my customers cannot cancel their monthly subscriptions until at least three months have passed since the subscription start date.


  • Create two Billing Portal Configurations: one that allows cancellation, and one that doesn't using this parameter.

    Then, depending on how long the user was subscribed, create a Billing Portal with the correct configuration. Something like this:

    const session = await stripe.billingPortal.sessions.create({
      customer: 'cus_xxx',
      return_url: '',
      configuration: canCancel ? 'bpc_xx1' : 'bpc_xx2', 