I have a folder of images. I resize each image in this folder and want to save the resized image to a different folder. The following is my code:
import glob
import os
new_folder = '/new/folder/of/images/'
for file in [x for x in glob.glob('/existing/folder/of/images/*.jpg')]:
im = Image.open(file)
img = im.convert('RGB')
new_img = img.resize((500,500))
new_img.save(os.path.join(new_folder, file +'_resized'+'.jpg'), 'JPEG', optimize=True)
The images get resized. However, the resized images are being saved in the same folder as the original images, and not in the new_folder as I want. Is there something wrong in my code?
this worked for me :) i used it to resize and rescale the images
import glob
from skimage import io
resized_path = r'path/to/new_folder'
ones_path = r'path\from\folder\*'
for file in glob.glob(ones_path):
img = io.imread(file)
img = tf.image.resize(img,size = [255,255])/255.