With Python 3.12 I can do the following without error:
a = "abc"
s = f"{a.replace("b", "x")}"
Note the nested "
With Python 3.6 the same will throw a SyntaxError because closing )
and }
are missing in this part f"{a.replace("
Why is that? I would have expected a SyntaxError with 3.12 as well.
Python 3.12 implements PEP 701, that allows the usage of the same quote character as the outer f-string itself
>>> songs = ['Take me back to Eden', 'Alkaline', 'Ascensionism']
>>> f"This is the playlist: {", ".join(songs)}"
'This is the playlist: Take me back to Eden, Alkaline, Ascensionism'
So if you are running 3.12 on one system and an older version on the other, the difference is to be expected.