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viewModels not found in jetpack compose

I am trying to use a delegate function with viewModels, but I'm encountering an issue when trying to import it.

fun ImagePickerScreen() {
    val viewModel : ImageViewModel by viewModels

I've attempted to import all dependencies, but the delegate function still isn't importing.


  • You can only use by viewModels in the Android View system, not with Jetpack Compose. In Compose you have the viewModel() function that you can use as follows:

    fun ImagePickerScreen(viewModel: ImageViewModel = viewModel()) {
        // or declare it in function body
        // val viewModel: ImageViewModel = viewModel()

    You will need the following dependency in your build.gradle:


    If you use Navigation with a NavHost, this will return a ViewModel instance that is scoped to the current destination of the NavGraph.
    Otherwise, the instance will be scoped to the Activity.