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How can I print one object from inside an array for a list of documents?

I've got about 50k documents that have many fields, but the important ones for this issue look like this:

"_id": ObjectId(""),
"item": "apple"
"properties" : [
    "color": "red",
    "size" : "L",
    "status": "eatable"

What I'm trying to print are lines that look like item+";"+properties.color, while retaining the integrity of the data I have, and printing these fields only for certain documents. For now the only thing I've had success with is printing either only the item or the whole array "properties", but I can't get neither the two of them at the same time nor just the color.

db.getCollection("foods").find({properties:{$elemMatch:{color: {$in:["red", "green", "orange", "blue"]}}}})
   { $unwind: {path:"$properties", preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true}},
       if( !== undefined) print (row.item + ";" + })

This gives an error, because of the find before the aggregate, but I don't really know how else to make it so that it only prints this for the rows that fit that condition (and I also don't really know if the $unwind would mess up the arrays in my data, or if it is just a temporary "separation" while the function is running).

What I've got running right now, getting just the items:

db.getCollection("foods").find({properties:{$elemMatch:{color: {$in:["red", "green", "orange", "blue"]}}}})
       print (row.item) 

By changing row.item to I got the full arrays printed, but adding .color after that did nothing.


  • Not sure if I'm understood but what about to prepare data into the query like this:

        $match: {
          "properties.color": {
            $in: [
        $project: {
          _id: 0
          item: 1,
          color: {
            "$arrayElemAt": [

    Example here.

    And getting something like this JSON below you can iterate easily and access to color and item property.:

        "color": "red",
        "item": "apple"