There are tg bots,
which has opportunities to open websites in a webview(iframe)
inside of a telegram app. Whenewer you press on a button inside bot,
it opens a webview with specific url.
This allows to understand for opened website,
that this url was opened buy SOME_USER
and his auth data is correct (at least I think so).
Example of an url:
&tgWebAppThemeParams={"bg_color":"#ffffff", ......... , "destructive_text_color":"#e53935"}
This url is not generated by bot. The bot contains only
this part inside of a button. But when you press on a button,
the telegram itself add all this specific auth data to url params.
And opens this url in a webview(I've have intercept this url after pressing the button).
Question: "How can I generate such params for URL, by my own ?"
What I've tried alredy:
, Messages_AcceptUrlAuth
from "wtelegramclient" library. Whitout success, maybe doing something wrong(receiving null's)var resolvedUser = await _client.Contacts_ResolveUsername("someBotUserName");
var msgBase = await _client.Messages_GetHistory(new InputPeerUser(resolvedUser.User.ID, resolvedUser.User.access_hash), limit: 1);
var test1 = await _client.Messages_RequestUrlAuth(url: "https://some_url");
var test2 = await _client.Messages_AcceptUrlAuth(new InputPeerUser(resolvedUser.User.ID, resolvedUser.User.access_hash), msg_id: msgBase.Messages[0].ID, url: "https://some_url");
Finally! After long time searching telegram api docs
+ gramJS lib
, the solution was found!
We need to use Messages_RequestWebView
method from WTelegramClinet
, same method also exists in gramJS
//some basic theme params, perhaps it may be different per user, but it doesn't matter
var tgThemeParams = new
bg_color = "#ffffff",
text_color = "#000000",
hint_color = "#707579",
link_color = "#3390ec",
var themeParams = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(tgThemeParams);
//resolvedUser is the chat(bot) where you need to sign in
var resolvedUser = await _client.Contacts_ResolveUsername(setting.ChatName!);
var userPeer = new InputPeerUser(resolvedUser.User.ID, resolvedUser.User.access_hash);
var webViewRes = await client.Messages_RequestWebView(
peer: userPeer,
bot: userPeer,
platform: "android",
reply_to: null,
url: "url from button / or url you need to sign in",
theme_params: new DataJSON { data = themeParams },
start_param: null,
send_as: null,
from_bot_menu: true,
silent: false
The result will be url
with all auth data