I went through tutorials https://www.baeldung.com/docker-compose-support-spring-boot and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lS1GwdIfk0c . These explain how to make a Spring Boot application to use a dockerized product, e.g. some database.
But how about to make the Spring Boot service to call another my Spring Boot service, can spring-boot-docker-compose help?
I know to write docker-compose in terms of making two Spring Boot services communicate but what I don't know is how spring-boot-docker-compose can help.
Make the "another Spring Boot service" just another dockerized application and add it to your docker compose.
So you need to:
FROM bellsoft/liberica-openjdk-alpine:17 COPY target/yourapp-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar /app/yourapp.jar ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "/app/yourapp.jar"]
Build and publish the image to the local Docker repo.
Go to the directory where the Dockerfile is and run docker build . -t tst/yourapp:0.0.1
add it to your docker compose of the main service - set image
, container-name
, environment
, ports
, ... do not forget networks
and giving your service access to the network of the to-be-called service and also depends_on
to start it after it the all the to-be-called services...
If the service communicates synchronously without some pooling/autor-reconnection or similar mechanism, you'll have to add connection retries via org.springframework.retry.support.RetryTemplate
As for spring-boot-docker-compose
, you just add it to your project as dependency, for maven it looks this way:
Then you need to point to it from your application config, YAML version:
file: docker/compose-local.yaml
enabled: true
in-tests: true
When you start the app by mvn spring-boot:run
or from IDE, spring-boot-docker-compose
should start the container before it starts your app.