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Play Store in-app subscription is displaying the subscription type as "1.99/min" instead of "/week."

I have added subscription in my flutter app. The issue is on the UI its showing "1.99/min" whereas i set "1.99/week".

When i debugged, its showing billing period as P1W. enter image description here

I also checked playstore console, and it looks like everything is fine there as well.

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

This is what its showing on the UI.

enter image description here

This is my flutter code.

  Future<void> buyNonConsumable(String productTitle) async {
    // Check if a purchase is already in progress

    late PurchaseParam purchaseParam;
    productId = productTitle.toLowerCase();

    if (isPurchaseInProgress.value == true) {
      print("Purchase already in progress");

      purchaseParam = GooglePlayPurchaseParam(productDetails: await _getProductDetails(productTitle.toLowerCase()));
      purchaseParam =
          PurchaseParam(productDetails: await _getProductDetails(productTitle.toLowerCase()));

    // Perform the purchase
    //final PurchaseParam purchaseParam = PurchaseParam(productDetails: await _getProductDetails(productTitle.toLowerCase()));
    await InAppPurchase.instance.buyNonConsumable(purchaseParam: purchaseParam);
    await Future.delayed(3000.milliseconds);


  • This is because you are testing, for real purchases it will show one week.

    Here is the link to the relevant documentation

    enter image description here