I have the strings in db where the serial numbers of items are together as shown here
A_NUMBER | items |
1 | i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6 |
2 | j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,i6,i7,i8 |
3 | k1,k2,k3 |
I want the resultant output of this string as shown below:
Srllno1 | Srllno2 | Srllno3 | Srllno4 | SrllRest |
i1 | i2 | i3 | i4 | i5,i6 |
j1 | j2 | j3 | j4 | j5,i6,i7,i8 |
k1 | k2 | k3 |
I tried this SQL statement:
PARSENAME(REPLACE(items, ',', '.'), 1) AS Srllno1,
PARSENAME(REPLACE(items, ',', '.'), 2) AS Srllno2,
PARSENAME(REPLACE(items, ',', '.'), 3) AS Srllno3,
PARSENAME(REPLACE(items, ',', '.'), 4) AS Srllno4
But I could not get the SrlRest
unless I did it manually.
I also tried with STRING_SPLIT
but I wasn't successful.
CRME: https://dbfiddle.uk/i_N273aI
How to achieve the desired result ?
See example with STRING_SPLIT
select A_NUMBER,min(items) items
,max(case when ordinal=1 then value end)Srllno1
,max(case when ordinal=2 then value end)Srllno2
,max(case when ordinal=3 then value end)Srllno3
,max(case when ordinal=4 then value end)Srllno4
,string_agg(case when ordinal>4 then value end,',') within group (order by ordinal)SrllRest
from itemTable
cross apply(select value,ordinal from string_split(items,',',1))i
group by A_NUMBER
output is
A_NUMBER | items | Srllno1 | Srllno2 | Srllno3 | Srllno4 | SrllRest |
1 | i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6 | i1 | i2 | i3 | i4 | i5,i6 |
2 | j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,i6,i7,i8 | j1 | j2 | j3 | j4 | j5,i6,i7,i8 |
3 | k1,k2,k3 | k1 | k2 | k3 | null | null |
Thats suprise:) For SQL Server 2017 and later
select A_NUMBER,min(items) items
,max(case when ordinal=1 then value end)Srllno1
,max(case when ordinal=2 then value end)Srllno2
,max(case when ordinal=3 then value end)Srllno3
,max(case when ordinal=4 then value end)Srllno4
,string_agg(case when ordinal>4 then value end,',') within group (order by ordinal)SrllRest
from itemTable
cross apply(select value,row_number()over(order by (select null))ordinal from string_split(items,','))i
group by A_NUMBER
replaced by row_number()over(order by (select null)
And for SQL Server 2016
select A_NUMBER,items
,max(case when ordinal=1 then value end)Srllno1
,max(case when ordinal=2 then value end)Srllno2
,max(case when ordinal=3 then value end)Srllno3
,max(case when ordinal=4 then value end)Srllno4
(select ','+value from(select value,row_number()over(order by (select null))ordinal
from string_split(items,','))i
where ordinal>4
for XML PATH('')
), 1, 2, N''
), N'')SrllRest
from itemTable
cross apply(select value,row_number()over(order by (select null))ordinal from string_split(items,','))i
group by A_NUMBER,items
replaced by select ... XML Path
Version for SQL Server 2008
with r as(
select 1 lvl, A_NUMBER,items
,case when charindex(',',items)>0 then
when len(items)>0 then items
else null
end SrllNo1
,cast(null as varchar) SrllNo2,cast(null as varchar) SrllNo3,cast(null as varchar) SrllNo4
,case when charindex(',',items)>0 then
else ''
end SrllRest
from itemTable
union all
select lvl+1 lvl, A_NUMBER,items
,cast(case when lvl=1 and charindex(',',SrllRest)>0 then
when lvl=1 and len(SrllRest)>0 then SrllRest
else SrllNo2
end as varchar) SrllNo2
,cast(case when lvl=2 and charindex(',',SrllRest)>0 then
when lvl=2 and len(SrllRest)>0 then SrllRest
else SrllNo3
end as varchar) SrllNo3
,cast(case when lvl=3 and charindex(',',SrllRest)>0 then
when lvl=3 and len(SrllRest)>0 then SrllRest
else SrllNo4
end as varchar) SrllNo4
,case when charindex(',',SrllRest)>0 then
else ''
end SrllRest
from r where len(SrllRest)>0 and lvl<4
select * from r
where lvl=4 or len(SrllRest)=0
order by a_number
lvl | A_NUMBER | items | SrllNo1 | SrllNo2 | SrllNo3 | SrllNo4 | SrllRest |
4 | 1 | i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6 | i1 | i2 | i3 | i4 | i5,i6 |
4 | 2 | j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,i6,i7,i8 | j1 | j2 | j3 | j4 | j5,i6,i7,i8 |
3 | 3 | k1,k2,k3 | k1 | k2 | k3 | null | |
2 | 4 | k1,k2 | k1 | k2 | null | null | |
1 | 5 | k1 | k1 | null | null | null | |
4 | 6 | k1,k2,k3,k4 | k1 | k2 | k3 | k4 | |
1 | 7 | null | null | null | null |