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How to create dynamic routes in NextJs in href param in Link component

I have the following code

import Link from "next/link";

type Country = {
  name: {
    common: string
  region: string

export default async function Home() {

  const response = await fetch(``);

  const countries = await response.json();

  return (
    <main className="flex min-h-screen flex-col items-center justify-between p-24">
      { Country) => {
          return <Link href={`/countries/${}`}>

Also in my app folder I have folder countries and inside i have [name] folder. I am listing countries and when I click on certain country i want to go to page with more information about this country. When href in Link is hardcoded i mean /countries/Norway for example everything is fine. But when I try to make href dynamic the following error is occured - Error: Dynamic href /users/[object Object] found in while using the /app router, this is not supported. Read more: What is the correct way to do the dynamic routes. Thanks.


  • if you check the response data from the API call, you'll find an array of countries in this format:

      "name": {
        "common": "Moldova",
        "official": "Republic of Moldova",
        "nativeName": {
          "ron": {
            "official": "Republica Moldova",
            "common": "Moldova"
      "tld": [
      "cca2": "MD",
      "ccn3": "498",
      "cca3": "MDA",
      "cioc": "MDA",
      "independent": true,
      "status": "officially-assigned",
      "unMember": true,
      "currencies": {
        "MDL": {
          "name": "Moldovan leu",
          "symbol": "L"

    In this structure, the name is an object, that's why you get the error Error: Dynamic href /users/[object Object]. You can access the common name using: