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Is std::atomic<bool> trivially copyable?

The following code prints whether std::atomic<bool> is trivially copyable:

#include <atomic>
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>

int main(){
    std::cout << std::is_trivially_copyable_v<std::atomic<bool>> << "\n";

It gives the following result on gcc and clang:


demo (gcc+clang)

But on MSVC the result is:


The behavior of all 3 compilers is also demonstrated here using static_assert.

I thought that trivial copyablity is defined either way by the standard.
Which compiler is right (or is it implementation specific) ?


  • See also: Is a class with deleted copy-constructor trivially copyable?

    A deleted constructor is not non-trivial.

    Prior to CWG1734's resolution, to be trivially copyable all copy/move constructors/assign operators needed to be trivial. This is the case for std::atomic<bool> (they are all deleted)

    With the new wording, one also had to be non-deleted (and in C++20, 'eligible', as in its constraints are satisfied).

    GCC and Clang do not implement this. See: