I am looking for a way to show live data and data within a specific date range to Power BI Report.
//create variables for start and end times
start = DateTime.ToText(StartDateTime),
end = DateTime.ToText(EndDateTime),
queryPart1 = "{""storeType"":""WarmStore"",""isSearchSpanRelative"":true,""clientDataType"":""RDX_20200713_Q"",""environmentFqdn"":""someid.env.timeseries.azure.com"",
queryPart2 = start,
queryPart3 = """,""to"":""",
queryPart4 = end,
queryPart5 = """},",
queryPart6 = """timeSeriesId"":[""edgedevicename"",""sensorname""],""take"":250000}}]}",
//combine individual sections of query into one
finalQuery = Text.Combine({queryPart1,queryPart2,queryPart3,queryPart4,queryPart5,queryPart6}),
Source = AzureTimeSeriesInsights.Contents([JsonPayload = finalQuery])
Does Power BI support m query parameters for TSI Connector? if not, are there any recommendations from Microsoft to solve the problem mentioned above?
Question was asked longtime ago, but hopfully someone find a need for this.
Look for your report in your workspace and find the semantic model.
Choose settings:
Under parameters you can now find and change your variables