I'm currently working on a Rails 7 application that heavily utilizes PostgreSQL's JSONB
data type for storing large sets of unstructured data. As I seek to optimize read and write operations, I'm particularly interested in understanding best practices for indexing and querying these fields. Here's a simple example of how I'm currently handling JSONB
class User < ApplicationRecord
# Users table has a JSONB column named :properties
# Querying JSONB data
User.where("properties @> ?", {notifications: true}.to_json)
columns in Rails 7 to enhance performance?ActiveRecord
that take full advantage of PostgreSQL's JSONB
functions for more
complex queries?JSONB
data manipulation that differ significantly from previous versions?I'm looking for insights or optimizations that could improve performance, especially with complex queries. Any advice or code snippets would be greatly appreciated!
Use gin
indexes on jsonb
columns to efficiently search for keys or key/value pairs occurring within jsonb documents.
CREATE INDEX idx_properties ON users USING GIN (properties);
Or as a Rails migration
class AddIndexToUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
add_index :users, :properties, using: :gin
It is also possible to create an expression index if you want a specific index on values corresponding to a particular key.
CREATE INDEX idx_properties ON users ((properties->>'notifications'));
Or as a Rails migration
class AddIndexToUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
add_index :users, "(properties->>'notifications')"
Even though it's in maintenance mode, I've had a lot of success using the jsonb_accessor gem for this. It supports:
Typed jsonb backed fields as first class citizens to your ActiveRecord models
It also adds generic scopes for querying jsonb columns.
The gem does a lot so check out the README for a full detailed explanation of the supported features, but here is a simple example of some common functionality that it comes with out of the box.
class User < ApplicationRecord
# notifications and email now behave similar to normal attributes
jsonb_accessor :properties, notifications: :boolean, email: :string
validates :notifications, presence: true
validates :email, presence: true, uniqueness: true
scope :with_notifications, -> { properties_where(notifications: true) }
def notifications_enabled?
notifications == true
User.jsonb_where(:properties, notifications: true)
User.jsonb_where_not(:properties, notifications: true)
# or alternatively
User.properties_where(notifications: true)
User.properties_where_not(notifications: true)