Appologies, this might be a simple thing, but I can't get it working!! I have a much bigger script for the demo purposes I have simplified this. Basically, what I want is that PowerShell to continue and return code 0 and do the write-host even if there is a try catch e.g. in this case I want json_template to print with the Message that includes the error message but the other fields are empty. Currently when I run the script, I get this:
Many thanks and appreciate the response. The code is below:
$hostName = ""
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($hostName)) {
throw "Host name cannot be null or empty"
$json_template = $null
try {
$nameModel = Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem -ComputerName $hostName | select name, model | ConvertTo-Json;
$serialNumer = Get-WmiObject win32_bios -ComputerName $hostName | select Serialnumber | ConvertTo-Json;
$json_template = @"
"Info": $($nameModel),
"Serial": $($serialNumer),
"Message": ""
catch {
$json_template = @"
"Info": "",
"Serial": "",
"Message": "$($_.Exception.Message)"
# Gracefully exit with code 0
#exit 0
finally {
# Print the JSON template
Write-Host $json_template
exit 0;
The main error is having the Throw
outside the Try{}
Have a commented version with some, I hope useful, points
# Managing hard-coded JSON is hard
# Let's make an empty template Object instead and convert it only when necessary!
$json_template = [PSCustomObject]@{
Info = ''
Serial = ''
Message = ''
# Setting up the variable to fail
$hostName = ''
try {
# Catch is never going to catch the Throw if it's outside the Try
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($hostName)) { throw 'Host name cannot be null or empty' }
# Two things:
# 1. Get-WmiObject has been Obsolete for years and removed from
# Powershell 6+. Use Get-CimInstance instead.
# 2. Depending on your system settings you might need tell Cmdlets to
# stop(and throw) if they hit an error. You can do it by adding
# "-ErrorAction Stop" to each cmdlet or setting it on a global level.
# I'll let you look up for that to decide what's the best course of
# action case-by-case.
$json_template.Info = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_ComputerSystem -ComputerName $hostName -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object -Property Name, Model
$json_template.Serial = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS -ComputerName $hostName -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object -Property SerialNumber
catch {
$json_template.Message = $_.Exception.Message
finally {
# Convert the whole Object to JSON and send it to be printed on screen
$json_template | ConvertTo-Json | Write-Host
exit 0