Similar to this question I posted earlier: Handle a WPF Exit Event
I found a solution in Objective C, but I'm not familiar with how to port this with Mono.
I found that I could use the following override to do what I wanted to:
NSApplicationTerminateReply ApplicationShouldTerminate (NSApplication sender)
However, there is a problem now if I close my MainWindow since that is actually where I want to start calling application exit. I already have an override for ApplicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed
that returns true, so the terminate override is being called correctly. But when I'm returning Cancel, the app is running, sans window. Is there a way to intercept the window closing event?
This is what I ended up doing. I created a new class called MainWindowDelegate
public class MainWindowDelegate : MonoMac.AppKit.NSWindowDelegate
public override WindowShouldClose (MonoMac.Foundation.NSObject sender)
return false;
Then, in my MainWindowController
public class MainWindowController
private MainWindowDelegate _delegate;
// Shared initialization code
void Initialize()
_delegate = new MainWindowDelegate();
public override void WindowDidLoad()
Window.Delegate = _delegate;