I have a large R data.frame where I have duplicate chemical names with different "Result" and "Use" values in a second column. I want to consolidate these so I have a single row per chemical, and all "Result" and "Use" values are comma separated in a single cell in each of their respective columns.
example df:
df1 <- data.frame(Name=c("reservatol","reservatol","reservatol","DPG"),
Result = c("naturally occurring", "antagonist", "synthetic", "rubber"),
Use = c("Pharma", "Pharma", "Drugs and Medication", "Tires"))
Name Result Use
1 reservatol naturally occurring Pharma
2 reservatol antagonist Pharma
3 reservatol synthetic Drugs and Medication
4 DPG rubber Tires
Is there a way to make that look like this?
Name Result Use
1 reservatol naturally occurring, antagonist, synthetic Pharma, Drugs and Medication
2 DPG rubber Tires
I tried using group_by("Name") %>% mutate(Use = paste0(Result, collapse=",") in hopes of concatenating Uses, but it didn't seem to do anything.
You were almost there - use summarise
instead of mutate
df1 %>%
group_by(Name) %>%
summarise(Result = paste(Result, collapse = ", "), Use = paste(Use, collapse = ", "))