I am using the following method to access a Google Spreadsheet using Javascript to, for example, insert a row of data:
const Sheets = require("@googleapis/sheets");
const jwt = new Sheets.auth.JWT(xxemailxx, null, xxprivate keyxx, [...]);
await jwt.authorize();
const sheets = Sheets.sheets("v4");
auth: jwt,
spreadsheetId: "xxxxxxx",
range: "Sheet1",
resource: { values: [[1,2,3,4]]}
}, (err, response) => {
// ...callback
Note that I pass the JWT in the API call. This method has worked well for some years. Now I want to use batchUpdate
to append a block of rows. I can't find documentation for Node.js. The link in the @googleapis/sheets
repo points to this and this which looks like it's for web service APIs. I tried various permutations to pass in a requestbody
but was not successful.
What is a workable method to use the batchUpdate
api? Is there documentation on batchUpdate
more specific to Node.js?
Here's the sample syntax that you can use for batchUpdate
"spreadsheetId": 'xxxxxxxx',
"resource": {
"valueInputOption": "RAW",
"data": [
"range": "A1:C3", //A1 Notation
"values": [
["Hi", "Google", "Docs"],
["Hey", "please", "update"],
[1, 2, 3]
}, function(error, res){
if (error) {
console.log('Error: ' + error);
Note: Regardless of the authentication you will use, I believe the
syntax will be the same.