I'm getting trouble with annotate in Django.
I have two models in projects. (just structure)
model A (field:name(char))
model B (field:A(A; related_name="b"), user(user), content(char; null=True))
The data of model B
is just like...
row1 -> A:1, user:2, content:"content1"
row2 -> A:1, user:3, content:"content2"
row3 -> A:1, user:2, content:None
row4 -> A:2, user:1, content:None
row5 -> A:1, user:3, content:None
My intention is a unique value that combines user and content according to the pk of model A
being searched.
If I look up pk:1 of Model A
and the answer I want is 2, and the reason is as follows.
row1 -> A:1, user:2
row2 -> A:1, user:3
So the orginal code was...
subquery = B.objects.filter(a=pk).distinct('user').count()
However, it is inefficient because it brings up one more query, not inner join.
What should I do?
You can move focus to the B
model instead:
B.objects.filter(a_id=1).values('user', 'content').distinct().count()