I'm trying to populate a 2-Dimensional Variant Array with a set of strings from a worksheet and their column numbers (Positions) from a larger set of strings in another worksheet.
I use an intermediate procedure that first passes the values from each sheet into separate arrays using simple loops.
I then use those arrays in a Boolean Loop procedure to populate the final output array.
The Intermediate Arrays populate completely, but the final output array comes out partially populated.
I simplified the logic as much as I can. I can only debug using the immediate window and debug.print statements.
The Reference Sheet string values (Sheet 1 of 2) are arranged vertically in the first column. The larger set of strings in the second sheet are arranged horizontally in Row 1.
Example Sheet 1 of 2:
Column A | Column B |
String 1 | Empty |
String 2 | Empty |
Example Sheet 2 of 2
Column A | Column B |
String 1 | String 2 |
Empty | Empty |
Sub ColumnNumberAssign()
Dim ReferenceRowCount As Integer
Dim ComparisonColumnCount As Integer
Dim RefStrings(50, 2) As Variant, ComparisonStrings(1000) As String
Dim Counter As Integer
'Column Count for Comparison Sheet
ComparisonColumnCount = 662
'Row Count for reference Sheet - There 31 Strings arranged vertically in the 1st sheet column
ReferenceRowCount = 31
'Populating RefStrings Array with Strings Reference Excel Sheet (Sheet 1 of 2)
For i = 2 To ReferenceRowCount
RefStrings(i, 1) = Cells(i, 1)
Next i
'Populating ComparisonStrings Array with Strings from Comparison Excel Sheet (Sheet 2 of 2)
'There are 662 string values arranged in the 1st Sheet Row
For i = 2 To ComparisonColumnCount
ComparisonStrings(i) = Cells(1, i)
Next i
'Identifying the column numbers in the Comparison Sheet for the values in the RefStrings Array
For i = 2 To ReferenceRowCount
For b = 2 To ComparisonColumnCount
If RefStrings(i, 1) = ComparisonStrings(b) Then RefStrings(i, 2) = b
Next b
Next i
'Debugging: Making Sure RefStrings Array is completely populated (*** Failed ***)
For i = 1 To ReferenceRowCount
Debug.Print RefStrings(i, 1), RefStrings(i, 2)
Next i
End Sub
Some suggestions for increasing chances of matches:
Sub ColumnNumberAssign()
Dim refs As Variant, comps As Variant, wsRef As Worksheet, wsComp As Worksheet
Dim a As Long, b As Long, col As Variant, m, rngHeaders As Range, s As String
Set wsRef = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Reference")
Set wsComp = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Comparison")
'including colB here so we have a "two-column" array...
refs = wsRef.Range("A2:B" & wsRef.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row).Value
'get the comparison values from row 1
comps = wsComp.Range("A1", wsComp.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft)).Value
'loop `refs` and and populate the second "column" from any `comps` matches
For a = 1 To UBound(refs, 1)
s = UCase(Trim(refs(a, 1))) 'trim off any spaces and upper-case
col = Empty 'reset this
For b = 1 To UBound(comps, 2) 'looping second (column) dimension...
If s = UCase(Trim(comps(1, b))) Then
col = b 'matched column position
Exit For 'done checking
End If
Next b
refs(a, 2) = col 'Empty, or column position if got match
Next a
'drop array onto worksheet for review
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Temp").Range("A1")
.Resize(UBound(refs, 1), UBound(refs, 2)).Value = refs
End With
End Sub