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How to Insert Data into Table Using SQL Server Table Using INSERT INTO query

I would like to use the INSERT INTO clause to add additional data to a table.

I would like to insert the following Car data into table called Car_data.

Chrysler,Fiat Chrysler,32000,31591,32831,29544,33006,29945,13857,31869,0
Dodge,Fiat Chrysler,29000,110517,117582,104146,90643,88656,43756,71935,0
Fiat,Fiat Chrysler,26000,2214,2889,2361,1740,1128,1339,1102,0

Can someone show me how to INSERT INTO dbo.[Car_data]. The insert script is a follows:

INSERT INTO dbo.[Car_data]
 ,[Avg Price]
 ,[Q1 2019]
 ,[Q2 2019]
 ,[Q3 2019]
 ,[Q4 2019]
 ,[Q1 2020]
 ,[Q2 2020]
 ,[Q3 2020]
 ,[Q4 2020]
  N'' -- Brand - nvarchar(50)
 ,N'' -- Autogroup - nvarchar(50)
 ,0 -- Avg Price - int
 ,0 -- Q1 2019 - int
 ,0 -- Q2 2019 - int
 ,0 -- Q3 2019 - int
 ,0 -- Q4 2019 - int
 ,0 -- Q1 2020 - int
 ,0 -- Q2 2020 - int
 ,0 -- Q3 2020 - int
 ,0 -- Q4 2020 - int

So I would like to know if there is straight forward to insert the Car Data into the Car_data table?


  • Are you sure this isn't homework?
    Try this (substituting these names with your own) :

    BULK INSERT dbo.Car_Data FROM 'C:\car_data.csv' WITH (FORMAT='CSV')

    Or if you are asking how you do this using copy and paste try this (first 2 rows only):

    INSERT INTO dbo.[Car_data]
    (Brand ,Autogroup ,[Avg Price] ,[Q1 2019] ,[Q2 2019] ,[Q3 2019],[Q4 2019] ,[Q1 2020] ,[Q2 2020] ,[Q3 2020] ,[Q4 2020])
    ('Chrysler','Fiat' 'Chrysler',32000,31591,32831,29544,33006,29945,13857,31869,0),
    ('Dodge','Fiat' 'Chrysler',29000,110517,117582,104146,90643,88656,43756,71935,0);