Recently I updated debezium version from 1.9.6.Final to 2.6.1.Final.
I changed -> topic.prefix
as part of migration and created publications for pgoutput
plugin (previously wal2json
was used). Final config:
heartbeat.action.query=INSERT INTO debezium_cdc.heartbeat (id, time) VALUES (1, NOW()) ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET time = NOW();,
We use Debezium as Java lib and host it in kube cluster. We also have several databases inside RDS instance so for every DB we have separate Debezium instance with unique
, name
and topic.prefix
. However publications have the same name in every DB (not sure if that matters). As an offset storage we use Postgresql table
Properties props = new Properties();
// ... set properties
engine = DebeziumEngine.create(Json.class)
.notifying(record -> {
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
When I start debezium on DB without replication slot it creates the slot, logs the messages below and stucks
{time: 2024-04-17 18:15:37.849, level: DEBUG, PID: 1, thread: pool-2-thread-1, source: io.debezium.connector.postgresql.connection.PostgresConnection:309,trace: SearchEngineCDC,message: No replication slot 'quext_core' is present for plugin 'pgoutput' and database 'locs'}
{time: 2024-04-17 18:15:37.850, level: INFO, PID: 1, thread: pool-2-thread-1, source: io.debezium.connector.postgresql.connection.PostgresConnection:337,trace: SearchEngineCDC,message: Obtained valid replication slot ReplicationSlot [active=false, latestFlushedLsn=null, catalogXmin=null]}
{time: 2024-04-17 18:15:37.926, level: INFO, PID: 1, thread: pool-2-thread-1, source: io.debezium.connector.postgresql.PostgresConnectorTask:158,trace: SearchEngineCDC,message: Found previous offset PostgresOffsetContext [sourceInfoSchema=Schema{io.debezium.connector.postgresql.Source:STRUCT}, sourceInfo=source_info[server='search-engine-server-locs'db='locs', lsn=LSN{1ABC/8070CE88}, txId=2180314030, timestamp=2024-04-17T17:57:53.171784Z, snapshot=TRUE, schema=, table=], lastSnapshotRecord=false, lastCompletelyProcessedLsn=null, lastCommitLsn=null, streamingStoppingLsn=null, transactionContext=TransactionContext [currentTransactionId=null, perTableEventCount={}, totalEventCount=0], incrementalSnapshotContext=IncrementalSnapshotContext [windowOpened=false, chunkEndPosition=null, dataCollectionsToSnapshot=[], lastEventKeySent=null, maximumKey=null]]}
{time: 2024-04-17 18:15:38.026, level: WARN, PID: 1, thread: pool-2-thread-1, source: io.debezium.connector.postgresql.PostgresTaskContext:101,trace: SearchEngineCDC,message: Connector has enabled automated replication slot removal upon restart (slot.drop.on.stop = true). This setting is not recommended for production environments, as a new replication slot will be created after a connector restart, resulting in missed data change events.}
{time: 2024-04-17 18:15:38.033, level: DEBUG, PID: 1, thread: pool-2-thread-1, source: io.debezium.connector.postgresql.connection.PostgresReplicationConnection:507,trace: SearchEngineCDC,message: Creating new replication slot 'quext_core' for plugin 'PGOUTPUT'}
{time: 2024-04-17 18:15:38.132, level: INFO, PID: 1, thread: pool-2-thread-1, source: io.debezium.connector.postgresql.connection.PostgresReplicationConnection:150,trace: SearchEngineCDC,message: Initializing PgOutput logical decoder publication}
{time: 2024-04-17 18:15:38.138, level: INFO, PID: 1, thread: pool-2-thread-1, source: io.debezium.connector.postgresql.connection.PostgresReplicationConnection:529,trace: SearchEngineCDC,message: Creating replication slot with command CREATE_REPLICATION_SLOT "quext_core" LOGICAL pgoutput}
When I stop Debeizum server, postgresql replication slot remains active for some reason which leads to the next issue: when I restart Debezium server, it throws an exception that replication already exists.
If I kill pid which occupies replication slot by pg_terminate_backend(pid)
, I end up in the first case when Debezium stucks on replication slot creation
Example of pg_replication_slots
pg_size_pretty(pg_wal_lsn_diff(pg_current_wal_lsn(), restart_lsn)) as replicationSlotLag,
pg_size_pretty(pg_wal_lsn_diff(pg_current_wal_lsn(), confirmed_flush_lsn)) as confirmedLag,
order by
"replicationslotlag": "617 MB",
"confirmedlag": null,
"slot_name": "quext_core",
"plugin": "pgoutput",
"slot_type": "logical",
"datoid": 38711948,
"database": "locs",
"temporary": false,
"active": true,
"active_pid": 17073,
"xmin": null,
"catalog_xmin": "2178725846",
"restart_lsn": "1ABC/648AED10",
"confirmed_flush_lsn": null
Offset table data
"id" : "fed74584-10b2-4c6c-85ef-9b4b87f208d7",
"engine_name" : "search_engine",
"offset_key" : "[\"quext-search-engine-connector\",{\"server\":\"search-engine-server-search_engine\"}]",
"offset_payload" : "{\"last_snapshot_record\":false,\"lsn\":29396158091376,\"txId\":2180193567,\"ts_usec\":1713374167445940,\"snapshot\":true}"
"id" : "ee9a8ca0-be9c-4413-9c1d-869c0da0ae00",
"engine_name" : "core",
"offset_key" : "[\"quext-core-connector\",{\"server\":\"search-engine-server-locs\"}]",
"offset_payload" : "{\"last_snapshot_record\":false,\"lsn\":29397573471232,\"txId\":2180419522,\"ts_usec\":1713378721496195,\"snapshot\":true}"
Some configuration info
Postgresql - RDS (PostgreSQL 12.17 on aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 7.3.1 20180712 (Red Hat 7.3.1-6), 64-bit)
Debezium version - 2.6.1.Final
Plugin - pgoutput
Postgres instance is configured for replication and roles are assigned
Publications created for every database using CREATE PUBLICATION dbz_publication FOR ALL TABLES;
I tried
Restart Debezium Server (Not sure it's graceful shutdown from Debezium client perspective)
Kill replication slot active_pid by pg_terminate_backend(pid) and start Debezium
Clear offset table.
I swear it was working in the beginning of the day but when I enabled several Debezium instances for other DBs (We have a single instance with several DBs inside and for every DB we start Debezium instance) it stopped working. And now it is not working even with a single Debezium instance.
May be snapshot is an issue? But the DB is 12 MB size
UPD1: I rolled back Debezium version and now it logging
{time: 2024-04-18 13:10:22.995, level: WARN, PID: 1, thread: pool-5-thread-1, source: io.debezium.connector.postgresql.connection.PostgresConnection:265,trace: SearchEngineCDC,message: Cannot obtain valid replication slot 'quext_accounting' for plugin 'wal2json' and database 'acct_1' [during attempt 43 out of 900, concurrent tx probably blocks taking snapshot.}
Today we figured out what the issue was: it was on the DB side. Replication slot creation process was blocked by a long running transaction: the slot was shown as created with active pid but did not proceed further. After we found that out using pg_stat_activity
and killed blocking process replication slot creation finished and now it's working as expected.
For those who might face that issue in the future, try to create a replication slot manually using pg_create_logical_replication_slot(...)
. If it does not work even without Debezium - most likely something wrong on DB side. Our second step was to check if the replication slot process is blocked.
pg_blocking_pids(pid) as blocked_by,
query as blocked_query
cardinality(pg_blocking_pids(pid)) > 0
-- and pid = '...' you can filter by active_pid from pg_replication_slots view
After investigation, we found a single transaction that runs for almost a day and blocks other transactions, which block other transactions, ..., replication slot creation.
Unfortunately it's not possible to set a timeout for active and running transactions as far as I know. But it's possible to set a single statement execution timeout and idle transaction timeout (our transaction wasn't idle). Also you can monitor long running transactions using the following query
clock_timestamp() - xact_start,
clock_timestamp() - xact_start > interval '1 minute' -- specify interval