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Large thumnail size for tiny image created with Imagick->resize()

Ok, I have a simple PHP script, that generates a thumbnail for a large picture using Imagick PHP extension.

The simplified script is:

$this->image = new Imagick ();

$this->image->resizeImage(76, 50, Imagick::FILTER_CATROM, $this->blur);
$this->image->contrastImage( 1 );
$this->image->sharpenimage( 0.8, 0.6);

$this->image->setImageCompressionQuality(1); // REALLY strong JPEG compression

The resulting image is quite ugly (of course it is!):

But look at the size - it is 28 KB! Crap, what?!

As far as I understand the problem is in metadata or embed preview from Photoshop.

So the question is - how can I optimize thumbnail and remove all obsolete data from it?


  • Meta data can be cleaned by