Search code examples

Mongoose Aggregate to group by brand_id and orders_sum > threshold stored in another collections

Sample collection of Sales looks like this:

    "brand_id": "A",
    "price": 500
    "brand_id": "A",
    "price": 700
    "brand_id": "B",
    "price": 1500
    "brand_id": "C",
    "price": 100
    "brand_id": "D",
    "price": 400
    "brand_id": "D",
    "price": 600
    "brand_id": "D",
    "price": 200

This is my current solution:

    const data = await Sales.aggregate([
        $group: {
          _id: "$brand_id",
          total_sales: {
            $sum: "$price"
          records: {
            $push: "$$ROOT"
        $match: {
          total_sales: {
            $gt: 1000
        $unwind: "$records"
        $replaceWith: "$records"

What am trying to do is, from the Sales collection, I am trying to get all the documents grouped by brand_id and each brands total order value to be greater than 1000$ (threshold value).

But I have another collection named Brands where it contains the brand_id, brand_name and threshold value. So it would be like this:

    brand_name: "abc",
    threshold: 1000,
    brand_id: "B",
    brand_name: "hef",
    threshold: 600,
    brand_id: "C",
    brand_name: "xyz",
    threshold: 310,

The thing is, I can iterate through the documents of Brands and pass the threshold value to the aggregate function and call it each time. But it doesn't seem to be the proper approach.

I tried googling for a similar scenario. But couldn't find any.

What am expecting as output is something similar to this:

     "_id": ObjectId("5a934e000102030405000000"),
     "brand_id": "A",
     "price": 500
     "_id": ObjectId("5a934e000102030405000001"),
     "brand_id": "A",
     "price": 700
     "_id": ObjectId("5a934e000102030405000002"),
     "brand_id": "B",
     "price": 1500
     "_id": ObjectId("5a934e000102030405000004"),
     "brand_id": "D",
     "price": 400
     "_id": ObjectId("5a934e000102030405000005"),
     "brand_id": "D",
     "price": 600
     "_id": ObjectId("5a934e000102030405000006"),
     "brand_id": "D",
     "price": 200


  • I would suggest you start the $lookup from the Brands collection to look up all the sales record. Use $sum on the $lookup result to get the total sales amount, then $match with the threshold value

        "$lookup": {
          "from": "sales",
          "localField": "brand_id",
          "foreignField": "brand_id",
          "as": "salesLookup"
        "$set": {
          "total_sales": {
            $sum: "$salesLookup.price"
        "$match": {
          $expr: {
            $gte: [

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