UAE Pass does not provide a .../.well-known/openid-configuration (Metadata url) endpoint. To register a custom idp in Azure AD B2C it requires the Metadata url.
Is there a way to setup a custom idp by entering the required endpoints manually. UAE Pass only provides the following endpoints:
I have looked to see if I could provide the endpoints in the manifest file or in a custom flow, but I cannot see a way to do it.
I will appreciate any help.
From what I can tell, UAE Pass only implements the OAuth 2.0 specification and not OpenID Connect (OIDC), which is an extension of OAuth.
With Azure AD B2C User Flows (the out-of-box, click and create experience), you are only able to add a custom OIDC provider.
With Custom Policies (XML files in the Identity Experience Framework blade), you can implement an OAuth 2.0 provider.