I use SQLcl + Liquibase to deploy changes to Oracle Database. I have the following changeset in YAML format (to compile a package spec for utils_pkg
- changeSet:
id: ${changesetOwner}.utils_pkg_s
author: def_author
runOnChange: true
- sqlFile:
path: utils_pkg_s.sql
splitStatements: true
endDelimiter: /
relativeToChangelogFile: true
Currently to pass a value for changesetOwner
I have to generate properties file on the fly and call liquibase update
passing properties file in the following manner:
lb update -default-schema-name ORDERS -changelog-file main.yaml -defaults-file deployment.properties -liquibase-schema-name DEPLOYMENT
This method works fine for me but generating properties file seems an overhead. Is there any chance to pass a substitution parameter, for instance, and then use it the same way? Something like this (assume it is some sql script contents):
define changesetOwner = ORDERS
lb update -default-schema-name ORDERS -changelog-file main.yaml -liquibase-schema-name DEPLOYMENT
And then somehow reach out to changesetOwner
I did find information on how to do what you're looking for:
SQL> set property changesetOwner MY_SCHEMA
SQL> lb update -default-schema-name ORDERS -changelog-file main.yaml -liquibase-schema-name DEPLOYMENT
Reference: https://oradbdev.mathiasmagnusson.com/2021/03/02/custom-properties-in-sqlcl-the-easy-way/