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"No matching distribution found for <package> (unavailable)" when installing a Python package in Docker from "internal" GitHub repo

The problem

I am attempting to build a Docker image using a Dockerfile which uses pip to install a Python package hosted at a GitHub URL. This URL represents an internal repository, owned by an enterprise account. Being an internal repo for an enterprise GitHub account, I am having to inject a secret GitHub personal access token into the Dockerfile in order to have access to the repository.

Within the Dockerfile, I inject that token immediately before pip install, like so:

RUN --mount=type=secret,id=github_token,uid=1000  git config --global url."https://$(cat /run/secrets/github_token)".insteadOf ""
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt

I inject my token when building the Dockerfile in the following code snippet:

docker build --no-cache --secret id=github_token,src=/tmp/github_token.txt .

I have verified that my token text is in fact present in the above referenced /tmp/github_token.txt file.

All the requirements in requirements.txt seem to be installing fine until my private/internal package install is attempted, at which point the Docker build fails with the following pip error:

ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement <package name> (unavailable) (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for <package name> (unavailable)

I am definitely injecting the token, and the internal repo definitely exists, so what could the issue be?


  • I was able to solve this myself:

    The error No matching distribution found for <package name> (unavailable) isn't telling us much. So, I tried a different method of accessing the private/internal enterprise repo within the Dockerfile to see if I could get a different error message.

    I modified the Dockerfile to simply clone the repository, replacing RUN pip install -r requirements.txt with RUN git clone<company name>/<package name>.

    The docker build failed on the git clone, which was expected. However, the immediate error was different, as shown below:

    Cloning into '<package name>'...
    remote: The '<company name>' organization has enabled or enforced SAML SSO.
    remote: To access this repository, visit<company name>/sso?authorization_request=xxx and try your request again.
    fatal: unable to access 'https://<my secret token><company name>/<package name>/': The requested URL returned error: 403

    Eureka! Not only did I receive a more informative error (403), this GitHub specific message gave me a hyperlink that I could paste into my browser which ultimately authenticated my personal access token with SSO.

    After visiting the URL and clicking the SSO button, I was able to revert my Dockerfile to its previous state and successfully install my private/internal package.


    The account associated with the personal access token being used needed to be authenticated with the organization's GitHub account via SSO. I was able to do this using a link given to me in a git error, although I believe this is also possible to accomplish by navigating to the organization's GitHub account via the web browser while logged into GitHub.