My one app is rejected and it says..
We found that your app does not use the HTTP Live Streaming protocol, with a baseline stream of 64 kbps, to broadcast streaming video, as required by the App Store Review Guidelines.
I searched almost every thing but still i am confused and don't have any clear view about HTTP Live Streaming
I have read many documents but i didn't get any idea where to start and how to use HTTP live streaming tool and all other stuff.. :(
Can any one give me a clear solution for my confusion??
How can i use HTTP Live Streaming
in my app??
How do i segment
my videos and then how to add them in to playlist
Any help please..
If anyone help me in this then it would be a great help..!!
Thanks in advance..!!
Convert your video to transport stream (.ts) using FFmepg and then use mediafilesegmenter to split the video and create a playlist:
mediafilesegmenter -t 10 myvideo-iphone.ts
This will generate one .ts file for each 10 seconds of the video plus a .m3u8 file pointing to all of them. See the answer at HTTP LIve Streaming for details.