I have encountered a strange case with the following usage of components:
<v-menu v-model="menu" :close-on-content-click="false">
<template #activator="{ props }">
<v-btn v-bind="props"> Open </v-btn>
<v-textarea label="sample text"></v-textarea>
<v-btn @click="menu = false"> Close</v-btn>
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
const menu = ref(false)
Usually, when pressing enter inside a v-textarea
the result will be a newline added.
However, in this situation opening the menu writing something and pressing enter does nothing.
IF I remove the v-card-actions
component, pressing enter will add a newline but also close the menu. Which is not the desired behavior (This is a reduce example.).
IF I then add a @keydown.enter.stop=""
event handler to the v-textarea
, everything works as i wish.
Due to the last step making it work, I suspect that there is something going on concerning the event propagation which is either strange/buggy or which I'm not understanding correctly.
What is going on here?
It looks to be caused by a function on v-menu that runs when the enter keydown event is received. This function calls e.preventDefault()
, so prevents the new line from occurring.
As long as the keydown event stops propagating before the v-menu then this won't happen. You can move the @keydown.enter.stop
onto any element between v-textarea and v-card (inclusive) and the new line will be created.