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how to show a value (calculated with shiny server) in a quarto dashboard valuebox

I'm trying to build a dashboard with Quarto. One initial goal is to count the number of cases in a dataset (later with API retrieval) when the dashboard is called on the Shiny server. In the 'server' context, I render the n-count with output$n <- renderText(nrow(data), and then attempt to retrieve it in a valuebox with textOutput("n"). However, I only see code in the boxes, not the count. What am I doing wrong? (I've tried several variations):

  title: "Count N"
  format: dashboard
  server: shiny

  #| context: setup

  data <- tibble::tibble(a = c(1, 2, 3)) # The data should always be retrieved from a server when the dashboard starts later, that's why I need the server context


  ## Row 

  #| content: valuebox
  #| title: "n1"

  # renderText() with paste0

    value = textOutput("n1")

  #| content: valuebox
  #| title: "n2"

  # renderText() without paste0

    value = textOutput("n2")

  #| content: valuebox
  #| title: "n3"

  # it works with a blank (but boring) number

    value = 99

  #| context: server

  n <- data |> nrow() |> as.character()

  output$n1 <- renderText(n)

  output$n2 <- renderText(paste0(n))

My output looks like this: enter image description here


  • As described here you can use the value_box from the bslib package to create a dynamic value box. Make sure you create a reactive value like this:

    title: "Count N"
    format: dashboard
    server: shiny
    #| context: setup
    data <- tibble::tibble(a = c(1, 2, 3)) # The data should always be retrieved from a server when the dashboard starts later, that's why I need the server context
    ## Row 
      id = "card1",
      title = "n1",
      value = textOutput("n1")
    #| content: valuebox
    #| title: "n3"
    # it works with a blank (but boring) number
        value = 99
    #| context: server
    n <- reactive({
      data |> nrow() |> as.character()
    output$n1 <- renderText({n()})


    enter image description here