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When does reinterpret_cast violate the law?

I've written a code that accumulates unnecessary memory space and gives it back when needed, organizing it as a stack (customers' requirements are strange).

void* stack = nullptr;

template <typename P>
void push(P* p) {
  // reinterpret memory space of *p as a storage for the address of the top element of the stack;
  *reinterpret_cast<void**>(p) = stack;
  // now *p is the top element, so update stack to point to *p;
  stack = p;

template <typename P>
P* pop() {
  if (stack == nullptr) throw;

  // get the address of the top element
  P* p = static_cast<P*>(stack);
  // now stack should point to the next element after *p, which address is stored in *p's memory space
  stack = *reinterpret_cast<void**>(stack);
  return p;

stack is a pointer to the top element. When a new memory space is pushed its first 8 bytes are used for storing the address of the previous element, stack is updated. A simple stack chain.


While I was trying to achieve this behavior the compiler often said this (I know that some memory manipulations are illegal):

assignment to cast is illegal, lvalue casts are not supported

I want to know whether my implementation is legal now or not?


#include <iostream>
#include <bitset>

constexpr size_t bytes_8  = 8 * 8;
constexpr size_t bytes_20 = 8 * 20;
constexpr size_t bytes_50 = 8 * 50;

// we assume that std::bitset holds its data contigiously in the beginning

struct A {
  std::bitset<bytes_8> bits;

struct B {
  std::bitset<bytes_20> bits;

struct C {
  std::bitset<bytes_50> bits;
int main() {
  // Imagine they were allocated on heap:
  A a;  B b;  C c;

  std::cout << "Addresses" << '\n'
            << "a: " << &a << "\t"
            << "b: " << &b << "\t"
            << "c: " << &c
            << std::endl << std::endl << std::endl;

  std::cout << "---------- push<A>(&a) ----------\n"
            << "'a' is the top element (and the only one), so 'stack' points to it,\n"
            << "meanwhile 'a' stores the address of the previous element (none)\n\n"
            << "stack: " << stack << "\ta.bits: " << std::hex << a.bits.to_ullong()
            << std::endl << std::endl;

  std::cout << "---------- push<B>(&b) ----------\n"
            << "now 'b' is the top element, so 'stack' updates to point to it,\n"
            << "'b' stores the address of the previous element (a)\n\n"
            << "stack: " << stack << "\tb.bits: " << std::hex << b.bits.to_ullong()
            << std::endl << std::endl;

  std::cout << "---------- push<C>(&c) ----------\n"
            << "finally 'c' is the top element and 'stack' points to it,\n"
            << "'c' stores the address of the previous element (b)\n\n"
            << "stack: " << stack << "\tc.bits: " << std::hex << c.bits.to_ullong()
            << std::endl << std::endl << std::endl;

  auto p1 = pop<C>();
  std::cout << "---------- pop<C>() ----------\n"
            << "'b' is the top element and the next one after it is 'a'\n\n"
            << "ret: " << p1 << "\nstack: " << stack << "\tb.bits: " << std::hex << b.bits.to_ullong()
            << std::endl << std::endl;

  auto p2 = pop<B>();
  std::cout << "---------- pop<B>() ----------\n"
            << "'a' is the top element and the last one in the stack\n\n"
            << "ret: " << p2 << "\nstack: " << stack << "\ta.bits: " << std::hex << a.bits.to_ullong()
            << std::endl << std::endl;

  auto p3 = pop<A>();
  std::cout << "---------- pop<A>() ----------\n"
            << "the stack is empty\n\n"
            << "ret: " << p3 << "\nstack: " << "0x" << stack
            << std::endl << std::endl;

  return 0;
The output:
a: 0x7fffffffdc20       b: 0x7fffffffdc40       c: 0x7fffffffdc60

---------- push<A>(&a) ----------
'a' is the top element (and the only one), so 'stack' points to it,
meanwhile 'a' stores the address of the previous element (none)

stack: 0x7fffffffdc20   a.bits: 0

---------- push<B>(&b) ----------
now 'b' is the top element, so 'stack' updates to point to it,
'b' stores the address of the previous element (a)

stack: 0x7fffffffdc40   b.bits: 7fffffffdc20

---------- push<C>(&c) ----------
finally 'c' is the top element and 'stack' points to it,
'c' stores the address of the previous element (b)

stack: 0x7fffffffdc60   c.bits: 7fffffffdc40

---------- pop<C>() ----------
'b' is the top element and the next one after it is 'a'

ret: 0x7fffffffdc60
stack: 0x7fffffffdc40   b.bits: 7fffffffdc20

---------- pop<B>() ----------
'a' is the top element and the last one in the stack

ret: 0x7fffffffdc40
stack: 0x7fffffffdc20   a.bits: 0

---------- pop<A>() ----------
the stack is empty

ret: 0x7fffffffdc20
stack: 0x0


  • You can re-use the storage of objects once their lifetime ends, but you really should track the sizes.

    struct frame {
        frame * ptr;
        std::size_t size;
    frame* stack = nullptr;
    template <typename P>
    requires sizeof(P) >= sizeof frame
    void push(P* obj) {
        stack = new(p) frame{ stack, sizeof(P) };
    template <typename P, typename... Args>
    P* pop(Args&&... args) {
        if (stack == nullptr || stack->size != sizeof(P)) throw std::bad_alloc{};
        frame * top = stack;
        stack = stack->ptr;
        return new(top) P(std::forward<Args>(args)...);

    But even if you do this, I would profile whether this scheme has any improvement over normal allocations. Most likely, you are adding a whole pile of restrictions to how you can allocate, for a negligible or possibly negative performance benefit.