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Modify default NACL of pre-existing VPC

I'm trying to modify the default NACL of a pre-existing VPC in AWS.

I'm attempting to adapt/use the syntax from the doc, but I'm not having much success.

The VPC already exists (but was not created in/by Terraform).

I am attempting to reference the VPC ID by using a data resource type rather than the resource type shown in the doc.

My code looks like this:

    data "aws_vpc" "default" {
      id = "vpc-067415793148e22d1"
    resource "aws_default_network_acl" "default" {
      default_network_acl_id =
      egress {
        protocol   = "tcp"
        rule_no    = 80
        action     = "deny"
        cidr_block = ""
        from_port  = 22
        to_port    = 22
      ingress {
        protocol   = "tcp"
        rule_no    = 90
        action     = "deny"
        cidr_block = ""
        from_port  = 3389
        to_port    = 3389

But Terraform does not like me trying to use a data reference whenn trying to get the default_network_acl_id value? It outputs:

│ Error: Unsupported attribute
│   on line 39, in resource "aws_default_network_acl" "default":
│   39:   default_network_acl_id = data.aws_vpc.default.default_network_acl_id
│ This object has no argument, nested block, or exported attribute named "default_network_acl_id".

I'm a little bit stuck where to go from this. I understand if I was creating a resource "aws_vpc" "mainvpc" {} I would be able to reference that, but to get the VPC information as data from an existing VPC does not seem to be as strightforward?

Is what I am trying to do possible in this way?

Many thanks.


  • Data resource of aws_vpc does not return default nacl id. Fields of a sample vpc looks like

    > data.aws_vpc.default
      "arn" = "arn:aws:ec2:eu-central-1:xxxxxxxxxxxx:vpc/vpc-xxxxax4x"
      "cidr_block" = ""
      "cidr_block_associations" = tolist([
          "association_id" = "vpc-cidr-assoc-1a8c4771"
          "cidr_block" = ""
          "state" = "associated"
      "default" = true
      "dhcp_options_id" = "dopt-85xxxaef"
      "enable_dns_hostnames" = true
      "enable_dns_support" = true
      "enable_network_address_usage_metrics" = false
      "filter" = toset(null) /* of object */
      "id" = "vpc-xxxxx4x"
      "instance_tenancy" = "default"
      "ipv6_association_id" = ""
      "ipv6_cidr_block" = ""
      "main_route_table_id" = "rtb-xx2exx68"
      "owner_id" = "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
      "state" = tostring(null)
      "tags" = tomap({})
      "timeouts" = null /* object */

    Only the way to get default nacl id is using aws_network_acls data resource with filter default as true value.

    data "aws_vpc" "default" {
        id = "vpc-2951a943"
    data "aws_network_acls" "default" {
        vpc_id =
        filter {
          name = "default"
          values = [true]
    resource "aws_default_network_acl" "default" {
        default_network_acl_id = data.aws_network_acls.default.ids[0]
        egress {
            protocol   = "tcp"
            rule_no    = 80
            action     = "deny"
            cidr_block = ""
            from_port  = 22
            to_port    = 22
        ingress {
            protocol   = "tcp"
            rule_no    = 90
            action     = "deny"
            cidr_block = ""
            from_port  = 3389
            to_port    = 3389