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Exponential Curve Fitting using Python

I was wondering if anyone knew how to find the values of A and B in Arrhenius equation (๐‘˜๐‘”๐‘Ž๐‘ =๐ด๐‘’^(โˆ’๐ต๐‘…๐‘‡)) using Python. In this equation, ๐‘‡ is in Kelvin, and A has the unit of mL/min. We want to obtain a description of the rate as a function for temperature over the range from 0ยฐC to 35ยฐC, under the assumption that we can extrapolate.

Basically, we are trying to find out the activity of the yeast with temperature, but first we have to find A and B. I tried a couple curve fitting techniques but all have failed. My fit was a straight line and my numbers were really off.

this is the image

This is the code/info given in the image:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy as scipy

temperature = np.array([20,25,30,33,35,37,40,45])                  # degrees C
prod_rate = np.array([6.9,9.9,21.2,26.1,32.9,30.4,18.8,18.5])/30   #mL/min

plt.ylabel('Production (mL/min)')
plt.xlabel('Temperature (C)')

this was my best attempt:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy as scipy

def arrhenius(T, A, B):
    R = 8.314  # Gas constant, J/(molยทK)
    return A * np.exp(-B / (R * T))

temperature = np.array([20,25,30,33,35,37,40,45])                  # degrees C
prod_rate = np.array([6.9,9.9,21.2,26.1,32.9,30.4,18.8,18.5])/30   #mL/min

plt.plot(temperature, prod_rate, 'ok')
plt.ylabel('Production (mL/min)')
plt.xlabel('Temperature (C)')

popt, pcov = curve_fit(arrhenius, temperature, prod_rate)

A_optimal, B_optimal = popt
fitted_curve = arrhenius(temperature, A_optimal, B_optimal)

plt.plot(temperature, prod_rate, 'ok', label='Data')
plt.plot(temperature, fitted_curve, '-r', label='Fitted Curve')
plt.ylabel('Production (mL/min)')
plt.xlabel('Temperature (ยฐC)')

print("Optimal value for A:", A_optimal, "mL/min")
print("Optimal value for B:", B_optimal)

This was the image it gave me and the numbers I got:

here is the graph

here is the new graph with Kelvin instead of Celsius:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy as scipy
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

def arrhenius(T, A, B):
    R = 8.314  # Gas constant, J/(molยทK)
    return A * np.exp(-B / (R * T))

temperature = np.array([20,25,30,33,35,37,40,45])  
temperature_K = temperature + 273.15                # degrees C
prod_rate = np.array([6.9,9.9,21.2,26.1,32.9,30.4,18.8,18.5])/30   #mL/min

plt.plot(temperature_K, prod_rate, 'ok')
plt.ylabel('Production (mL/min)')
plt.xlabel('Temperature (C)')

popt, pcov = curve_fit(arrhenius, temperature_K, prod_rate)

A_optimal, B_optimal = popt
fitted_curve = arrhenius(temperature_K, A_optimal, B_optimal)

plt.plot(temperature_K, prod_rate, 'ok', label='Data')
plt.plot(temperature_K, fitted_curve, '-r', label='Fitted Curve')
plt.ylabel('Production (mL/min)')
plt.xlabel('Temperature (ยฐC)')

print("Optimal value for A:", A_optimal, "mL/min")
print("Optimal value for B:", B_optimal)



  • Let's assume that your experiment was done wrong. Choose a sub-array to fit, and do it in the logarithmic scale because the linear scales are massive. Do use Kelvin, not Celsius. Here I assume the units of A are arbitrary because the production rate's units have not been corrected.

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    # Gas constant, J/(molยทK); and 0C in K
    from scipy.constants import R, zero_Celsius
    from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
    temperature_C = np.array((20, 25, 30, 33, 35, 37, 40, 45))
    temperature_K = temperature_C + zero_Celsius
    prod_rate_mL_min = np.array((6.9,9.9,21.2,26.1,32.9,30.4,18.8,18.5))/30   # mL/min
    def arrhenius(T: np.ndarray, A: float, B: float) -> np.ndarray:
        return A * np.exp(-B/R/T)
    def arrhenius_log(T: np.ndarray, logA: float, B: float) -> np.ndarray:
        return logA - B/R/T
    # The data are garbage; cut off the last three points during fit
    valid_end = -3
    # Estimate calculation, partially based on experimental data
    B0 = 80_000
    logA0 = np.log(
        prod_rate_mL_min[valid_end - 1]
    ) + B0/R/temperature_K[valid_end - 1]
    p0 = logA0, B0
    (logA, B), _ = curve_fit(
        f=arrhenius_log, p0=p0,
    # Keep A in log space for accuracy's sake
    a_pow = np.floor(logA / np.log(10))
    a_mantissa = np.exp(logA - a_pow*np.log(10))
    print(f'A = {a_mantissa:.6f}e{a_pow:.0f}')
    print(f'B = {B:.3f}')
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
        temperature_C[:valid_end], prod_rate_mL_min[:valid_end],
        label='experiment (OK)',
        temperature_C[valid_end:], prod_rate_mL_min[valid_end:],
        label='experiment (bad)',
    T_hires = np.linspace(
        T_hires - zero_Celsius,
        np.exp(arrhenius_log(T_hires, *p0)),
        T_hires - zero_Celsius,
            T=T_hires, A=a_mantissa * 10**a_pow, B=B,
    ax.set_xlabel('T (C)')
    ax.set_ylabel('Rate (mL/min)')
    A = 6.119210e13
    B = 81109.535


    Linear-logspace fit

    Notice that in log space the expression is linear, so you can reduce to a computationally simpler linear fit that does not require estimates:

    import numpy as np
    # Gas constant, J/(molยทK); and 0C in K
    from scipy.constants import R, zero_Celsius
    temperature_C = np.array((20, 25, 30, 33, 35, 37, 40, 45))
    temperature_K = temperature_C + zero_Celsius
    prod_rate_mL_min = np.array((6.9,9.9,21.2,26.1,32.9,30.4,18.8,18.5))/30   # mL/min
    # The data are garbage; cut off the last three points during fit
    valid_end = -3
    (logA, B), *_ = np.linalg.lstsq(
            np.ones(temperature_K.size + valid_end),
        ), axis=1),
    # Keep A in log space for accuracy's sake
    a_pow = np.floor(logA / np.log(10))
    a_mantissa = np.exp(logA - a_pow*np.log(10))
    print(f'A = {a_mantissa:.6f}e{a_pow:.0f}')
    print(f'B = {B:.3f}')