if I have a class like this:
class Name: field1 = ... field2 = ... ...
I do not know what are the fields or model it should be given by user so key is going to be name of field in a model and value is what should I look for that.
and base on some if I have to filter them with field1 or 2 and I have them from input in variables?
if name is an instance of Name and if key = field1 and value='example_to_look' ,I want
not name.objects.filter(field1=value)
i want to use this on different classes and fields so if is not what I want. raw() always triggers a new query and doesn’t account for previous filtering but I need them all and I have to filter one by one!
we have to create a dict like do_filter={key:value} then use query_set =model.objects.all() then query_set.filter(**do_filter) for each one:) this way you can dynamically generate our query_set base on given variables.