I have 2 Paydantic models Article
and Author
defined as follow:
from pydantic import BaseModel
from typing import List
class Author(BaseModel):
id: int
first_name: str
class Article(BaseModel):
id: int
name: str
authors: List[Author]
These models are used to parse and validate python dict that looks like:
article_data = {"id": 568, "name": "Smart People", "authors": [{"id": 123}, {"id": 456}]}
to get get authors details I have an async function that from an id, it returns autho details:
async def get_author(id: int) -> Optional[dict]:
# Simulate fetching author details from a database or other source
authors = {
123: {"id": 123, "first_name": "George Bob"},
456: {"id": 456, "first_name": "Alice Smith"},
return authors.get(id)
to fill author detail in the article object I implemented a custom validator, so the definition of Article class:
from pydantic import BaseModel, validator
class Article(BaseModel):
id: int
name: str
authors: List[Author]
@validator("authors", pre=True)
def populate_author(cls, value):
return [Author(**(get_author(item.get("id")))) for item in value]
to run the code, I am using this code snippet:
async def main():
article = Article.parse_obj(article_data)
this would not work as I am not awaiting get_author
when changing my code to use await get_author
it will raise:
SyntaxError: asynchronous comprehension outside of an asynchronous function
which is expected as populate_author
is not async function trying to await a async funtion get_author
Another alternative I tried is to make the validator async: async def populate_author(cls, value):
this will raise this error:
RuntimeWarning: coroutine 'populate_author' was never awaited
which is expected as well knowing how Pydantic is implemented.
In this case, what is the solution to run an async function inside a custom Pydantic validator?
Pydatic version 1.10.14 with python 3.11
This might sound annoying, but actually it provides a clear divide between pure data validation and checking the data is valid as per your database etc.
So, I also think validation of pure data and validation as per your database, e.g, should be divided.
functions, such as run_until_complete
, etc.
Related answers here: Call async function from sync function, while the synchronous function continues : Python