I need to test if Material UI's TextareaAutosize remains smooth while resizing. Since it uses an HTML textarea, I want to simulate resizing it with the mouse, using the grabber on the bottom-right corner.
I'm attempting to test the resizing behavior of TextareaAutosize component in the following way:
it('should not glitch when resizing textarea', function test() {
if (/jsdom/.test(window.navigator.userAgent)) {
const { container } = render(<TextareaAutosize />);
const textarea = container.querySelector<HTMLTextAreaElement>('textarea')!;
console.log('before textarea.style.height: ', textarea.style.height);
// Get the element's dimensions
const { top, left, width, height } = textarea.getBoundingClientRect();
// Calculate coordinates of bottom-right corner
const bottomRightX = left + width;
const bottomRightY = top + height;
fireEvent.mouseDown(textarea, { clientX: bottomRightX, clientY: bottomRightY });
fireEvent.mouseMove(textarea, { clientX: bottomRightX + 50, clientY: bottomRightY + 50 });
console.log('after textarea.style.height: ', textarea.style.height);
I've set it up to run the test in the browser, not on JSDOM, with this check:
if (/jsdom/.test(window.navigator.userAgent)) {
However, I'm encountering an issue where the value of textarea.style.height
remains the same before and after the mouse event, even though I expect it to change.
Chrome Headless 123.0.6312.4 (Windows 10) LOG: 'before textarea.style.height: ', '15px'
Chrome Headless 123.0.6312.4 (Windows 10) LOG: 'after textarea.style.height: ', '15px'
The height of the textarea should increase after the mouse interaction, but it seems like it's not actually resizing. I'm unsure if the dragging action is being properly simulated.
I resolved it using E2E testing with Playwright, instead of using React testing libraries. Below is the test implementation:
First, the component rendered for testing:
import * as React from 'react';
import { TextareaAutosize } from '@mui/base/TextareaAutosize';
function BasicTextareaAutosize() {
return <TextareaAutosize data-testid="textarea" />;
export default BasicTextareaAutosize;
Here's the e2e test:
it('should not glitch when resizing', async () => {
await renderFixture('TextareaAutosize/BasicTextareaAutosize');
const textarea = await screen.getByTestId('textarea')!;
// Get the element's dimensions
const { x, y, width, height } = (await textarea.boundingBox())!;
// Calculate coordinates of bottom-right corner
const bottomRightX = x + width;
const bottomRightY = y + height;
// Get the initial height of textarea as a number
const initialHeight = await textarea.evaluate((event) => parseFloat(event.style.height));
// Move the mouse to the bottom-right corner, adjusting slightly to grab the resize handle
await page.mouse.move(bottomRightX - 5, bottomRightY - 5);
// Simulate a double click without releasing the mouse button (mouseup) to grab the resize handle
await page.mouse.down();
await page.mouse.up();
await page.mouse.down();
// Move the mouse to resize the textarea
await page.mouse.move(bottomRightX + 50, bottomRightY + 50);
// Assert that the textarea height has increased after resizing
expect(await textarea.evaluate((event) => parseFloat(event.style.height))).to.be.greaterThan(