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How to resize textarea by dragging in React Testing Library?

I need to test if Material UI's TextareaAutosize remains smooth while resizing. Since it uses an HTML textarea, I want to simulate resizing it with the mouse, using the grabber on the bottom-right corner.

I'm attempting to test the resizing behavior of TextareaAutosize component in the following way:

it('should not glitch when resizing textarea', function test() {
  if (/jsdom/.test(window.navigator.userAgent)) {

  const { container } = render(<TextareaAutosize />);
  const textarea = container.querySelector<HTMLTextAreaElement>('textarea')!;

  console.log('before ',;

  // Get the element's dimensions
  const { top, left, width, height } = textarea.getBoundingClientRect();

  // Calculate coordinates of bottom-right corner
  const bottomRightX = left + width;
  const bottomRightY = top + height;

  fireEvent.mouseDown(textarea, { clientX: bottomRightX, clientY: bottomRightY });
  fireEvent.mouseMove(textarea, { clientX: bottomRightX + 50, clientY: bottomRightY + 50 });

  console.log('after ',;

I've set it up to run the test in the browser, not on JSDOM, with this check:

  if (/jsdom/.test(window.navigator.userAgent)) {

However, I'm encountering an issue where the value of remains the same before and after the mouse event, even though I expect it to change.

Chrome Headless 123.0.6312.4 (Windows 10) LOG: 'before ', '15px'
Chrome Headless 123.0.6312.4 (Windows 10) LOG: 'after ', '15px'

The height of the textarea should increase after the mouse interaction, but it seems like it's not actually resizing. I'm unsure if the dragging action is being properly simulated.


  • I resolved it using E2E testing with Playwright, instead of using React testing libraries. Below is the test implementation:

    First, the component rendered for testing:

    import * as React from 'react';
    import { TextareaAutosize } from '@mui/base/TextareaAutosize';
    function BasicTextareaAutosize() {
      return <TextareaAutosize data-testid="textarea" />;
    export default BasicTextareaAutosize;

    Here's the e2e test:

    it('should not glitch when resizing', async () => {
      await renderFixture('TextareaAutosize/BasicTextareaAutosize');
      const textarea = await screen.getByTestId('textarea')!;
      // Get the element's dimensions
      const { x, y, width, height } = (await textarea.boundingBox())!;
      // Calculate coordinates of bottom-right corner
      const bottomRightX = x + width;
      const bottomRightY = y + height;
      // Get the initial height of textarea as a number
      const initialHeight = await textarea.evaluate((event) => parseFloat(;
      // Move the mouse to the bottom-right corner, adjusting slightly to grab the resize handle
      await page.mouse.move(bottomRightX - 5, bottomRightY - 5);
      // Simulate a double click without releasing the mouse button (mouseup) to grab the resize handle
      await page.mouse.down();
      await page.mouse.up();
      await page.mouse.down();
      // Move the mouse to resize the textarea
      await page.mouse.move(bottomRightX + 50, bottomRightY + 50);
      // Assert that the textarea height has increased after resizing
      expect(await textarea.evaluate((event) => parseFloat(